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- Informed by real people experiencing migraine firsthand
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- Easy-to-read, straightforward, and developed to support YOU!
Please note that our resources are designed to offer general information and guidance only. They are not intended to replace professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding your condition.
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Dustin’s Experience with Cluster Headache
Hear from Dustin as he shares his first cluster headache experience, what his cluster headache cycles are like, how cluster headache impact his life, his coping strategies, what he would say to...

Understanding Employee Benefit Plans
Presented by Presented by Katrina Di Raddo, BBA, CHRP. Katrina Di Raddo is deeply passionate about advancing human rights and advocating for healthcare. Her dedication to these causes drives her to...

Fibromyalgia & Migraine
Presented by Trudy Flynn, Chair of the Board of Directors, Fibromyalgia Association of Canada. Learn about fibromyalgia symptoms, causes, diagnosis challenges, treatment options, and strategies for...

Occupational Therapy & Migraine
Presented by: Annie Ledoux, occupational therapist, MSc, Migraine Quebec's Instructor. Learn what OT is, how it applies to migraine treatment, and the ways it can support you in reclaiming control...

Supplements & Migraine
Presented by Dr. Melinyshyn, BSc, MD, FRCPC (Neurology) Learn about the role of supplements in migraine care. This session covers how supplements can complement a holistic approach to managing...

Canadian Laws Surrounding Disability Accommodations
Migraine Canada has created a document that outlines disability accommodations in workplaces and schools, focusing on pain-related disabilities like migraine. It covers legal protections under...

Cluster Headache Awareness Day
March 21 is Cluster Headache Awareness Day. Cluster headache is one of the most intense and debilitating headache disorders, yet it remains widely misunderstood and under-diagnosed. Those affected...

Cluster Headache Awareness – Bridget Cucksey’s Story
Bridget Cucksey served in the military for 16 years. In 2010, while deployed in Afghanistan, Bridget started experiencing cluster headaches and migraine attacks in 2010. Initially presenting...

Migraine Canada in the News: Dr. Melinyshyn on New Canadian Guidelines
Migraine Canada’s Medical Advisory Committee member, Dr. Alex Melinyshyn, was recently featured in to discuss the newly updated Canadian guidelines for migraine treatment and...

Your Voice – Kimberley’s Migraine Story
In this article, Kimberley B. of Alberta shares her story of living with vestibular migraine. Kimberley’s experience is complex and multifaceted, with aura and cervicogenic headaches. Here’s a...

Migraine Canada – National Women’s Show 2025
Migraine Canada is excited to be part of the National Women’s Show in Calgary on April 5-6, 2025! If you’re visiting us from the show, welcome. We are dedicated to providing trusted migraine...

Ramadan & Migraine
In 2025, Ramadan is expected to start in the first week of March (based on the lunar calendar). Fasting during Ramadan is one of the five pillars of Islam. Muslims fast from pre-dawn until either...