Migraine Canada Logo

In 2021, Migraine Canada launched the Quality of Life survey to gain insight into the impact of migraine on daily life and the specific needs of Canadians living with this condition. The findings offer invaluable data that guide our programs and resources. We extend our gratitude to everyone who participated, as your input helps us advocate more effectively and strengthen our support for the migraine community.

Explore our full Burden of Migraine report for recommendations on improving migraine care and support across Canada, and check out our infographics for highlights of the survey’s key insights.

You can view the report below, or click here to downlooad.

Téléchargez notre guide en français, en cliquant içi.

You can use these infographics as a summary of highlights from the report.

Migraine at Work

QOL - Migraine at work infographic

Migraine and Relationships

QOL Relationships Infographc

Migraine & Mental Function

QOL - Mental functions Infographic

Diagnosis & Care

QoL- Diagnosis & Care infographic

Key Findings

QOL Key Findings of Results Infographic