Migraine Canada™ is the only registered charity supporting people living with migraine and other headache disorders across Canada.
100% of our resources go towards improving the lives of those living with migraine, and related headache conditions, their families, and the healthcare providers who treat them.
Without your contributions and continued support, the programs and services that so many have come to rely upon would not be possible.
Your donations to Migraine Canada™ help us accomplish more!
Donating online through CanadaHelps is quick, easy, and completely secure. All information is confidential. Please review our privacy policy.
Donate by Mail
Send cheques or money orders payable to “Migraine Canada™”, along with your full name, address, telephone numbers, and any other information you wish to share to:
Migraine Canada™
20 Loftus Road
Phelpston, ON Canada
L0L 2K0
Migraine Canada™ guards donor dollars rigorously, ensuring maximum yield. Your donations help to support:
- High quality, credible, up-to-date printed and digital information and educational materials for patients, their families, and healthcare professionals
- Information & education sessions across Canada
- Support – supporting individuals through various channels
- Research – supporting research
- Awareness – executing programs to make our invisible illness visible & respected
- Advocacy – informed influence to encourage governments to put migraine on the political agenda, implement policies and ensure patients have access to medications and services that will improve the lives of Canadians living with Migraine and related headache conditions.
Other ways to donate
Memorial Gifts
Giving in memory of a loved one or friend who has passed away leaves an ongoing legacy. Migraine Canada™ will provide a card to the next of kin letting them know that you have made a donation (the amount of the donation is not included). The name of the deceased and the name and address of the next of kin should be provided to us.
Gifts Left In The Will
Gifts left in the will from members is a way to ensure a future wherein Migraine Canada™ can continue to produce educational programs, and advocate on behalf of the community and support research.
Corporate Donations
Please contact our Executive Director at executivedirector@migrainecanada.org or by phone at 1-833-345-4323 for information regarding the many available corporate opportunities.
Why donate?
The reasons for making a gift to Migraine Canada™ are personal and varied. Perhaps you are grateful for the service and information we provided you. Maybe you would like to leave a legacy to benefit future generations that are affected by migraine and headache related conditions. Perhaps you are passionate about increasing the visibility, respect and recognition of the disease. We all want to find a cure.
Together, with your support, we can support research to find a cure, educate, inform and support those living with migraine and strive to create a future free of pain and suffering.
Thank You for Supporting Us !