Welcome to part 2 of our first webinar. In this video, we dive into groundbreaking research that showcases the intricate neurological processes behind migraine attacks. We’ll explore real-time brain imaging that captures the onset and discover the roles of key brain regions such as the hypothalamus and pons. These findings deepen our understanding of migraine triggers and symptoms, empowering us with knowledge to better manage and alleviate their impact. Join us as we uncover the science behind migraine and its potential implications for effective management.
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0:25 okay
0:25 the nice thing with the aura is there’s
0:27 actually studies
0:29 where we can see the electrical wave we
0:31 can actually observe it
0:32 so can we see the migraine attack not
0:35 the aura just a migraine attack
0:37 and i’m delighted to say that now we can
0:40 actually see
0:41 things happening in the brain with
0:43 advanced techniques
0:45 let’s let’s have a look at this this is
0:48 this looks like weird this is a study
0:51 this is a full month
0:52 on a one woman that went to the
0:54 functional mri
0:56 every day every morning she had a
0:58 functional mri
0:59 and she was um presented with different
1:02 things
1:03 uh a strong smell some irritation uh of
1:06 the nose
1:07 and also a visual checker board and you
1:10 can see in red
1:12 she had three migraine attacks and in
1:14 lavender
1:15 it was the day before the attack and in
1:17 kind of pinkish
1:18 it was after the attack so the we call
1:21 that sometimes the pro drone the pose
1:23 drone
1:24 it’s like before and after the attack um
1:27 and during the attack you can see that
1:29 the the lines uh the colored lines go up
1:32 so she had a height and the an enhanced
1:35 perception
1:36 of vision of smells which is exactly
1:38 what you expect during
1:40 a migraine and so they could record what
1:42 was going on
1:43 inside the brain during this
1:47 so what did they see okay so now we have
1:50 to look at the brain
1:51 i i put a picture there so you can see
1:53 the whole head so you have an idea
1:55 where those yellow dots are
1:58 the yellow dots are where there was more
2:01 blood so that suggests that something
2:03 is going on there there’s some activity
2:05 so before the migraine
2:07 the hypothalamus which is a zone that is
2:10 deeply linked
2:11 with our hormones and our balance in the
2:13 body
2:14 the hypothalamus was actually uh
2:17 active and we saw that this hypothalamus
2:20 zone was talking
2:22 quite strongly to what we call the
2:24 trigeminal necklace
2:26 we’ll talk more about that but this is a
2:28 zone that computes
2:30 all the sensation of you guessed it
2:33 the face and the neck and the sinuses
2:37 so it’s like this zone the hypotenuse
2:39 was talking to
2:40 the zone that that just collects all the
2:42 sensory information
2:44 of our head and then during the attack
2:46 there was a
2:47 another zone the middle red dot uh
2:50 we call it the pons um and we don’t know
2:53 exactly what that is we we think maybe
2:55 it’s a
2:56 it’s a moderation it’s a modulator this
2:58 zone
2:59 there are pain control centers there and
3:01 also serotonin
3:04 nuclei or serotonin places okay so sorry
3:07 for the medical jargon
3:09 but i wanted to show you this because
3:11 this really tells us
3:12 that there’s something going on inside
3:14 the brain during a migraine attack
3:16 that we can see it and this has been
3:19 actually shown in previous studies so
3:21 it’s not
3:21 just a study this replicates other
3:24 findings
3:25 okay so so we know something’s going on
3:29 um and then what you know if you have
3:31 migraines i have migraines i know the
3:33 pain
3:34 um and you feel the pain somewhere but
3:37 sometimes you will feel it in your
3:38 temple in your eye
3:40 typical but other people feel it in
3:42 their sinuses
3:44 in their necks in their jaw so where
3:47 does the pain come from because all
3:49 those things are normal you know your
3:50 eye is fine your neck looks
3:52 okay um so where does the migraine pain
3:55 come from
3:57 here’s that word again trigeminal that
3:59 means three
4:01 gemini or three triplets if you wish for
4:03 the three branches of this big nerve
4:06 that carries all the information from
4:09 the face
4:10 but also the teeth and the sinuses and
4:12 the eye
4:13 and the nose and and everything um
4:16 and it goes to a center in the brain
4:19 this little dot i showed before the
4:20 necklace
4:22 um so all those branches they take a
4:25 signal for touch
4:26 and pain and vibration and hot and cold
4:28 they just take all of that to the center
4:31 but the interesting thing is that those
4:34 those nerves or those branches
4:36 do not carry information only from the
4:39 eye or the sinuses or the teeth
4:41 they also carry information from the
4:43 meninges
4:44 and arteries inside the head
4:47 so inside the head the brain itself
4:50 okay i know when you have a migraine you
4:52 can feel like your brain is going to
4:53 explode
4:55 the brain doesn’t feel any pain what
4:57 feels pain
4:58 is meninges and blood vessels arteries
5:01 and veins
5:02 you can remember that if you think about
5:04 meningitis
5:05 an infection of the brain a super
5:07 painful big headache there
5:09 or rupturing an aneurysm you know having
5:11 a bleed and
5:12 a brain hemorrhage that’s very painful
5:14 too
5:15 so inside the head meninges and arteries
5:19 are
5:20 painful they can sense pain that’s what
5:22 they do
5:23 and the nerves that are connected there
5:25 are the same nerves from the same
5:26 branches
5:27 that connect to your temple and eye and
5:30 neck and sinuses
5:31 so do you see do you see something
5:33 building building here
5:35 the cause of the pain in migraine is
5:37 most probably
5:39 an inflammatory soup of peptides
5:42 proteins that are released on the
5:45 meninges and the arteries
5:47 inside your head okay so those peptides
5:51 are released
5:52 by the same nerves that actually feel
5:54 the pain that’s interesting you can
5:56 imagine like this electrical wire that
5:59 can actually sprinkle cayenne pepper
6:01 on your meninges and that creates the
6:03 pain
6:04 that you feel and with that pain comes
6:07 the hypersensitivity sometimes the
6:09 pulsation
6:10 sensation that you have so that is the
6:12 cause of the migraine headache
6:14 that’s an inflammatory soup that is
6:16 released near your meninges
6:18 and arteries and this soup causes
6:21 inflammation
6:22 so that means that the blood vessels
6:24 dilate and some people can actually see
6:26 during a migraine that their vessels of
6:28 the
6:28 face and the head become dilated um
6:32 before we thought that the dilation was
6:34 causing the pain
6:36 but now we know that the mechanism is
6:38 that there are those peptides
6:40 and they cause the pain and because of
6:42 dilation
6:43 together okay
6:46 so now we said a lot already about the
6:48 genes
6:49 and the proteins and the pain and the
6:52 trigeminal nerve
6:53 so now let’s talk about the neck because
6:56 a lot of people with migraine
6:57 including myself have neck pain during
7:00 an attack and so they think that
7:03 something’s wrong with their neck
7:04 and that the neck should be fixed
7:07 properly
7:08 um so should is is the cause of migraine
7:11 in the neck and that that’s a perfect
7:13 example to introduce
7:15 the ping-pong theory so let’s talk about
7:19 the myocardial infarction you know the
7:21 heart attack
7:22 everybody knows kind of a social
7:25 something that people know
7:26 that when you have a heart attack you
7:28 can feel pain in the chest but also
7:30 pain in the left arm left arm is okay
7:33 it’s just it’s the same networks cause
7:36 the pain
7:36 in the arm and the heart so we call that
7:40 a referred pain a pain from somewhere
7:42 that’s feel that’s felt somewhere else
7:46 so now what we have to understand is
7:48 that the head and the neck
7:49 are deeply connected those electrical
7:52 wires are
7:53 i talked about those that take care of
7:55 the eye and the temple
7:57 they actually take care of the neck as
7:59 well they connect
8:01 so the the big wire that comes to your
8:04 eye and temple
8:05 is connected to the same place that
8:07 connects to the back of your head
8:09 so it’s a two-way road and by the way
8:12 there’s another zone that’s connected
8:14 it’s the zone of the jaw all right so
8:16 those nerves also connect
8:18 all the same place in this trigeminal
8:21 nucleus
8:22 um so that means that the pain of
8:25 migraine
8:26 can come from the soup in this area
8:29 and can actually be felt at the back of
8:31 the head
8:33 but the the process can also be reversed
8:36 so you can actually have tension in your
8:38 neck
8:38 that triggers the migraine attack
8:41 because it irritates the system
8:43 so it’s both ways are possible
8:46 so if i look at my own case um i i’d
8:49 never have neck pain very rarely or if i
8:51 do have it
8:52 both sides at the back of my head when i
8:54 train too hard and it’s not a migraine
8:56 but during the migraine i have pain only
8:59 on the right side and usually it comes
9:01 after all the rest of the migraine
9:03 attack has started
9:05 so it’s really a two-way road and we
9:08 have to understand that it can go both
9:10 ways
9:11 interesting isn’t it because that’s true
9:15 for so many other things so now that
9:18 i’ve talked about the neck
9:20 you can apply the exact same thing to a
9:23 lot of other things for example
9:25 um your your brain if you live with
9:27 migraine has to compute tons of
9:29 information every day
9:30 so there’s the stress stress can be
9:33 anxiety can be also mental load
9:35 how many decisions you make per day
9:38 inflammation
9:39 if you live with an inflammatory
9:40 condition emotions
9:42 you know like how we react to difficult
9:45 emotions related to others
9:48 every sensory input so that means is
9:50 there a pain in your neck is there
9:51 inflammation in your sinuses
9:53 uh hormones how is the sleep you know
9:55 the sleep um
9:56 allows the brain to function better all
9:59 of those things
10:00 influence the migraine brain that has
10:02 this particular software
10:04 and the ability of triggering this
10:06 attack with the soup
10:09 okay so that leads us to the migraine
10:11 threshold theory that we
10:13 do teach a lot in headache clinics we
10:15 tell people that
10:16 they they can have multiple triggers and
10:19 that those triggers accumulate and they
10:20 combine
10:21 so the perfect example is if you had a
10:24 stressful week
10:25 and then you have a long friday and then
10:28 you you don’t hydrate
10:29 you eat crap and then eventually you
10:32 decide to go
10:33 out you have alcohol and the next
10:35 morning boom you didn’t sleep very well
10:37 you don’t take your coffee you take your
10:39 breakfast later
10:41 and then you have the migraine attack so
10:43 that’s one example but there are many
10:45 others you know you exercise
10:47 on the ski slope and it’s very very
10:49 bright lots of light and then your
10:51 neck gets tense all of those things
10:53 combine to trigger the migraine attack
10:56 uh and then the cascade and then the
10:58 inflammation and so on
11:01 there’s another condition that works a
11:03 little bit like that
11:04 it’s i’m going back to asthma so asthma
11:08 is actually a hyperextendability of the
11:10 lung during an asthma attack there’s a
11:12 lot of inflammation
11:13 migraine is hyper excitability of the
11:16 brain
11:17 so you can have mild asthma where you
11:19 know you get rid of the cat you’re good
11:22 you just manage your allergies you’re
11:24 good but then
11:25 you have severe asthma where you need a
11:27 bunch of treatments and a pneumologist
11:30 to help you the same goes with migraine
11:32 you can have
11:33 migraine treated by stopping you know
11:36 alcohol for example
11:38 or you can have migraine that gets
11:40 better if you just lower your
11:41 exercise intensity but a lot of people
11:45 have migraines that actually they live
11:47 perfect pristine saintly lives and
11:50 still they have migraine because just
11:52 living is too much for their brains
11:54 and they need medical care and
11:56 prevention
11:59 so this brings us to a bit of a
12:01 different topic
12:02 it’s not necessarily about the cause of
12:04 migraine we’ve covered that
12:06 but it’s about how those different
12:08 softwares influence
12:10 the different types of people with
12:11 migraine so you can have migraines a few
12:14 times per year if you’re lucky
12:16 and then that we call that low frequency
12:18 episodic
12:19 so that means that some lucky people
12:22 have very
12:22 occasional migraines may be triggered by
12:25 very precise things
12:26 and they might not require medical care
12:29 at all and those people
12:31 sometimes you know just take their own
12:33 example and say oh i treated my migraine
12:35 by
12:36 whatever they’re doing um but then there
12:38 are
12:39 more severely affected people who have
12:42 more frequent migraines
12:44 and then the brain starts you know being
12:45 in the pre or post migraine on a regular
12:48 basis
12:48 we call that frequent episodic and then
12:51 you have the chronic migraine so that’s
12:53 the state where you’re always somewhere
12:55 in between you know
12:57 you just you’re just back from a
12:58 migraine or you’re starting a migraine
13:01 and you have very rare headache-free
13:03 days and
13:04 very frequent migraines and sometimes
13:05 very severe
13:07 so this is a continuum this is a
13:09 spectrum
13:11 and which we usually separate people
13:13 according to their frequency
13:14 and also the presence of a headache free
13:16 days
13:18 so that means that for some people uh
13:21 when we care for migraine we want to
13:23 care for the brain
13:24 right of course we want to address the
13:27 triggers
13:27 we want to make the brain you know in a
13:29 good place
13:30 so you have to find this balance between
13:33 avoiding triggers which is very very
13:35 stressful
13:36 or just promoting healthy behaviors
13:39 that can be a bit more empowering so
13:41 this little lady here
13:43 superhero of migraine she does the whole
13:45 thing
13:46 and then she puts her brain in a nice
13:49 place
13:50 and maybe she controls the migraine
13:52 situation with that
13:53 but for some people even doing that is
13:56 not enough
13:57 because when you fall in a migraine
13:59 chronification so that means people
14:02 maybe some of you have this they started
14:05 having migraines when they were young
14:06 or you know anywhere in their 20s and
14:09 they had
14:09 occasional migraines everything was okay
14:12 and then eventually
14:13 sometimes something happens we know
14:16 sometimes we don’t
14:17 and then you fall into the chronic
14:19 migraine state
14:20 so this brain that has the software that
14:23 triggers attacks
14:24 becomes just in a cycle where everything
14:27 is
14:28 is completely you know like uh unstable
14:31 so you have you lack sleep uh you tense
14:34 your muscles
14:35 your relationships with your family your
14:38 workplace become a little bit tense
14:40 you’re missing stuff you have to um
14:42 compensate for that
14:44 and then what you do you try to take
14:46 medications
14:47 you fall into medication overuse maybe
14:49 you drink more caffeine
14:51 and then you cannot exercise and then
14:53 you cannot cook and then you
14:54 so this is the vicious circle of chronic
14:58 migraine and this is not easy to break
15:00 as
15:01 some of you might know so many vicious
15:04 circles there
15:05 overuse sleep mood
15:08 sinus and jaw and neck pain the big trio
15:11 so this can actually put people in a
15:13 very tough place
15:15 so that’s what i call the ping-pong
15:17 theory and if you understand
15:19 this cause of migraine thing then you
15:22 can actually picture
15:24 how migraine should be cared for
15:27 and i know a lot of people with
15:29 migraines say i don’t want to take pills
15:31 which perfectly understand you know it
15:33 makes a lot of sense you don’t want to
15:35 take anything chemical in your body
15:37 and why would you do that um so
15:40 actually stabilizing the lifestyle is
15:43 always a very good thing
15:45 and it works both ways so the ping pong
15:47 theory leads to the fact
15:49 that you can either raise the tolerance
15:52 of the brain
15:53 itself right to make it more resistant
15:55 to the migraine
15:57 or you can decrease the load in the
15:59 periphery you can manage the triggers
16:02 and both are good so the stabilizing
16:04 lifestyle works both ways
16:06 it actually stabilizes your brain and it
16:09 also decreases the triggers so that’s
16:10 good
16:11 medications that we give and prescribe
16:15 can actually change this chemistry
16:17 electricity software balance of your
16:19 brain
16:20 and higher your threshold so your brain
16:23 does not trigger the attacks anymore
16:26 exactly like asthma
16:27 people with asthma will take different
16:29 things to kind of quiet down their lung
16:32 so medications and migraine work that
16:34 way
16:35 are they perfect absolutely not um are
16:38 they
16:38 effective for everyone absolutely not
16:40 but they can really help the brain to
16:42 stabilize
16:43 and then of course if you have sleep
16:45 apnea well treating the sleep apnea
16:48 might actually
16:49 help your brain if you have absolutely
16:52 big like
16:52 neck issues shoulder issues absolutely
16:55 seeing
16:56 someone to take care of your neck with
16:58 exercises or with
16:59 different approaches can help and if you
17:02 do not tolerate gluten
17:04 it makes sense to stop gluten but you
17:06 can understand now
17:08 that for every person there is actually
17:10 a mix of things
17:11 so it it’s impossible to to just know
17:14 from the start
17:15 you know what should be done and usually
17:18 just managing stress and drinking more
17:20 water
17:20 it’s very good but it might not be
17:22 enough
17:24 so when we manage migraine in the clinic
17:28 usually we do the behavioral part which
17:30 is everything related to
17:32 lifestyle and and natural things um
17:35 acute therapy and preventive therapy
17:38 so i want to say if just a few words i
17:40 said i wouldn’t talk about treatments
17:42 but some of you might be very curious
17:44 about those treatments um
17:46 how do medications and botox and cgrp
17:49 antibodies work
17:50 medications might be propanolol
17:53 amitriptyline verapamil
17:56 topamax or to pyramid all those
17:59 medications
18:00 change the chemistry of the brain one
18:02 way or another
18:03 and stabilize it for some people botox
18:06 is interesting because botox actually
18:08 stops the the nerves from releasing the
18:12 inflammatory soup
18:13 it stops the release of the peptides
18:16 like cgrp for example we’ll talk about
18:18 cgrp
18:20 so botox acts you know it not inside the
18:22 brain it acts
18:23 in the periphery remember the ping-pong
18:25 game so it actually quiets down
18:28 the nerve terminals um and also maybe
18:31 releases or relaxes some
18:33 tight muscles but that’s not the key
18:34 thing so it relaxes it
18:36 it stabilizes the nerves of the head and
18:39 neck
18:40 and to decrease the sensory load we
18:42 think
18:43 on the brain cgrp is one
18:46 of the things in the inflammatory suit
18:49 it’s a peptide
18:50 right and there’s a lot of focus on this
18:52 peptide
18:53 uh in these days because we we have
18:56 successfully companies have successfully
18:59 targeted this peptide with
19:00 antibodies the antibodies block the
19:04 peptide
19:04 okay so they they prevent the peptide to
19:07 to act
19:08 or they bind a receptor and they stop
19:11 this kind of cgrp
19:12 interaction that plays a role in
19:14 migraine
19:15 so this is how our preventive
19:17 medications work
19:19 there will be more seminars about this
19:21 but just just to explain a little bit
19:23 now that you’ve seen the cause of
19:25 migraine how we target it
19:27 using different chemical uh things to
19:30 stabilize the brain
19:32 so you can imagine just to illustrate a
19:34 bit what i mean
19:35 um that your personal therapeutic plan
19:39 will be very different depending on who
19:41 you are so here i show you two
19:43 completely fictional examples
19:45 damien um till damien’s a guy he’s 48
19:49 men have migraines too he’s a hyper
19:52 achiever
19:53 on the anxious side he uh he really
19:55 wants to do things perfect
19:57 uh he has hypertension um and he he
20:00 doesn’t sleep very well
20:02 uh poor damien and he drinks tons of
20:04 caffeine to go through the day
20:06 and then when he has a release after a
20:08 big rush at work then proof the migraine
20:10 hits
20:11 uh when he’s exhausted uh when he trains
20:13 very hard
20:15 and then nsaids are anti-inflammatories
20:17 do not fare very well with damien
20:19 and this guy has eight to ten days per
20:21 month of migraine
20:23 so he has frequent episodic and then we
20:25 have cynthia
20:26 cynthia is a completely different person
20:28 she’s a woman she’s 32.
20:31 she had a tough childhood she has a
20:33 history of depression
20:35 she has fibromyalgia she’s a bit
20:36 overweight um
20:38 she also has insomnia insomnia is very
20:40 common with migraine
20:42 she did stop caffeine she probably has
20:45 some degree of analgesic overuse because
20:47 she has frequent headaches and she
20:49 treats them
20:50 with tylenol and nsaids and tryptons and
20:52 she tried two preventives and
20:54 she doesn’t know where to go uh from
20:56 there so the plans for damien and
20:59 cynthia will be
21:00 very different right damien probably
21:02 needs a bit of education about how to
21:04 manage stress
21:05 how to to improve sleep maybe
21:08 address the caffeine issue um and then
21:11 maybe treat the attacks better
21:13 and we could give him a preventive and
21:15 take care of the hypertension and the
21:17 migraine at the same time
21:19 cynthia would probably need help with
21:21 exercise to adapt exercise for her
21:24 so she can deal with fibromyalgia better
21:26 she would maybe need a bit of
21:28 psychotherapy
21:29 to address the emotions and she needs a
21:32 better preventive so maybe
21:33 cynthia would be a candidate to get
21:36 botox or a cgrp antibody so
21:38 those are different types of patients we
21:41 usually discuss
21:42 in doctor’s meetings uh to illustrate
21:45 how migraines should be
21:47 managed according to who you are and not
21:50 according to
21:51 cures or recipes or you know like uh
21:54 one-size-fits-all approach so this is
21:58 where the migraine tree comes
22:00 um on the migraine canada website you
22:02 will see
22:03 this migraine tree it’s been designed
22:05 for us um
22:07 and it illustrates this diversity of
22:10 options actually
22:11 so in the roots you can see who you are
22:13 as a person with migraine
22:15 are you you know are you a woman with
22:17 hormonal issues are you a child
22:19 um what type of migraine do you have um
22:22 what’s your psychological background
22:24 what’s your medical background
22:26 so all of this roots you know goes on on
22:28 on
22:29 what what is your system like then in
22:32 the trunk
22:32 the core is what every person with
22:34 migraines should know so everyone if you
22:36 want to have a look at this category
22:38 this this
22:38 those posts this is all about what i
22:41 just said today the cause of migraine
22:43 what’s a placebo response it’s important
22:45 to understand that
22:46 how to do a diary you know what is an
22:48 acute treatment the preventive treatment
22:51 basics really and then you go into the
22:53 branches
22:54 all the branches are equal you know so
22:57 and i didn’t put alternative treatments
22:59 there i put
23:00 self-care and lifestyle uh social life
23:03 how to deal with
23:04 workplace the partners uh children
23:07 um how to break the attack how to
23:09 prevent the attacks
23:11 and then the world of devices and
23:13 neuromodulation
23:14 we don’t have a lot of that in canada
23:16 but it’s coming and the world of
23:18 procedures and injections some some
23:21 procedures
23:22 and some devices might actually be acute
23:25 and preventive so it’s a bit complicated
23:27 but
23:28 overall i invite you to explore those
23:31 branches
23:31 and i hope you find what you seek on
23:34 particular treatments
23:36 so that’s that’s the vision of migraine
23:38 a very holistic approach
23:39 that includes everything that can help
23:41 you get better
23:44 so i just a few examples what you can
23:46 find in the branches
23:47 you know about the for example lifestyle
23:50 is all about
23:50 uh physio exercise sleep management um
23:54 life situations we’re building that
23:56 category so uh
23:58 how to deal with school how to deal with
24:00 travel uh
24:01 the acute how to use the acute how to
24:03 combine them
24:04 uh how to avoid overuse and then the
24:07 world of prevention
24:08 and uh procedures and and and blocks and
24:11 things like that
24:12 so will that replace an actual
24:15 psychologist or an
24:16 actual nutritionist no it won’t but it
24:18 will give you a little bit of basics
24:21 to grasp a little you know how you can
24:24 tailor your own plan so in conclusion
24:28 uh you’re so good you have to have
24:30 stayed here with me listening to all
24:32 that
24:32 scientific stuff um i really hope
24:36 that i demonstrated to you that migraine
24:39 is
24:39 a neurological disorder right it is not
24:42 just a headache
24:44 it is not imaginary it is not in your
24:46 head
24:47 it is a question of genes and proteins
24:50 and software it is very diverse
24:53 both on symptoms on triggers and on
24:56 treatments
24:57 so you cannot just rely on this person
25:00 on this forum who said that this worked
25:03 maybe it worked for this person maybe
25:05 not for you
25:06 so you really have to um look at your
25:09 situation
25:10 to find your options so you’re not crazy
25:13 you’re not crazy
25:15 you’re not alone absolutely not even if
25:17 you suffer from chronic migraine
25:20 i mean one to two percent of the world’s
25:22 population
25:23 is like you so you’re not alone it’s
25:25 just because no one talks about it
25:26 that’s why i’m here uh to talk with you
25:29 and to share with you migraine is
25:31 disabling not for everyone
25:33 okay but if you have a lot of it it can
25:36 ruin a life
25:37 proper right it can take away from you
25:40 your job
25:41 your social activities your travel your
25:43 sports
25:44 so if you are disabled by migraine
25:46 believe me you’re not alone
25:48 you deserve care like any person living
25:50 with a chronic condition
25:52 diabetes asthma so if if if you look for
25:55 diabetes and asthma and cancer or
25:58 all those things there are programs for
26:00 them
26:01 right there are uh diabetic educators
26:04 nurses um specialists clinics
26:08 so treatment actually must be adapted to
26:11 your situation just like for
26:13 any chronic disease so why on earth
26:16 are waiting lists for headache cleaning
26:18 so long
26:20 well there’s not only a stigma on
26:23 patients with migraine there’s also a
26:24 stigma
26:25 on migraine in general and that includes
26:29 migraine as a scientific topic and
26:31 migraine as a clinical specialty
26:34 let me tell you a lot of us headache
26:36 specialists
26:37 have been stigmatized we have been
26:39 treated as the poor child
26:41 of neurology all right and this is
26:44 probably because people we we didn’t
26:46 have proof we didn’t have science we
26:48 didn’t know
26:49 20 25 30 years ago but now
26:52 and we have what i’ve shown you i think
26:55 it’s time for migraine and other
26:57 headaches
26:58 to gain a little bit more of attention
27:01 and to
27:03 be considered as a serious neurology
27:05 specialty
27:06 and also other specialists can help
27:08 people with migraine
27:09 so if you wonder why your doctor doesn’t
27:11 know any of this
27:12 they probably know more than most of
27:14 doctors now
27:16 um well it’s because they’re not trained
27:18 this is not part of the typical
27:21 med school program you know this is not
27:24 part of the training of many gps
27:26 so this has to change um also we’re
27:29 working on a database of headache
27:31 clinics
27:32 to build a clinic locator but we have to
27:34 define what clinics are
27:36 ideally a clinic would be a place where
27:38 you can find you know a nutritionist
27:40 that gets migraine a psychologist that
27:42 gets migraine a physiotherapist that’s
27:44 good with the neck and shoulders
27:46 but those multi-disciplinary clinics do
27:48 not exist
27:49 for migraine or very very rare in canada
27:52 so we need more of that
27:53 so you can get better not only with
27:55 pills but also
27:57 with scales okay so we need to improve
28:00 the system
28:02 we need to to to break the stigma
28:05 we need to unite and speak up and get
28:08 organized that’s what migrant canada is
28:10 about
28:11 we need to increase awareness in schools
28:13 workplace politics
28:15 and we need to organize
28:17 multi-disciplinary programs
28:19 with nurses and psychologists and
28:21 physios
28:22 to help you take care of your brain this
28:24 exists
28:25 for cancer it exists for diabetes it
28:27 exists for asthma it exists for
28:30 arthritis it exists for parkinson’s
28:33 disease
28:34 so we should have it for migraine but we
28:36 need your voice and you we need your
28:38 support to have this happen
28:41 so a call to action for now just stay
28:44 tuned on facebook
28:45 this is the key social media that we’re
28:47 managing at present time
28:49 uh you can please share facebook uh
28:52 share and speak up
28:53 uh recommend our tools if you like them
28:56 recommend our resources uh
28:58 bring this to your doctor make your
29:00 doctor aware that we exist
29:02 don’t hesitate to talk about migraine to
29:04 your networks don’t be ashamed don’t
29:06 feel guilty
29:08 uh participate to our surveys we want we
29:10 will poke you a little bit to have some
29:12 insights um
29:13 we want to to know how to act on your
29:16 behalf
29:17 um volunteer with us uh we are looking
29:19 for different volunteers all the time so
29:21 never hesitate even if it’s just to
29:23 write a little thing or to make a put a
29:26 poster at your workplace or
29:28 something that can increase awareness
29:32 and uh and then together i think in a
29:34 few
29:35 months and years this will build up and
29:37 the migraine the care for migraine in
29:38 canada will be better
29:40 thank you for bearing with me i know
29:43 this was a long
29:44 talk uh probably too long very very
29:47 scientific based
29:49 but i really hope that you enjoyed it
29:51 that you found it
29:52 helpful that this will help you manage
29:55 migraine
29:56 or care for the person with migraine
29:58 that’s close to you
30:00 so be well thank you and i hope i’ll see
30:03 you again for future webinars
30:09 [Music]