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Are you new to understanding migraine? This article covers the top ten essential facts about migraine for beginners, shedding light on this complex neurological condition. Despite misconceptions, migraine is a genuine and prevalent disease affecting millions globally. Learn about its symptoms, genetic predisposition, and the need for personalized treatment. Discover how it impacts daily life and the available support. Dive into the world of migraine, debunk myths, and explore the support and community for those affected.

  1. Migraine is a neurological disease: Despite misconceptions of people saying it’s a psychiatric disease, or a made-up excuse to avoid work or social interactions, migraine is a genuine neurological condition.
  1. Migraine is more than a headache: Migraine involves more than head pain, including sensitivity to light, sound, smells, movement, nausea, vomiting, brain fog, dizziness, neck pain, and sometimes visual aura.
  1. Migraine is a chemical and electrical brain activity: The predisposition for migraine is genetic, but from a combination of genes. That probably explains why migraine is so variable. Even in between attacks, the migraine brain is hypersensitive to sensations, and it processes serotonin differently. During an attack, different zones of the brain get activated. A cascade of events leads to the release of inflammatory molecules near the sensitive nerves inside the skull. For more information, see our post on the electrical and chemical sides of migraine
  1. It is invisible on imaging: Standard brain imaging (CT, MRI) doesn’t show migraine, which contributes to the stigma and disbelief.  Luckily, science has made progress and we know now many mechanisms causing migraine attacks. 
  1. Migraine is very common: 12% of the world’s population has migraine, women more than men (3/1), 1 to 2% have chronic migraine (a severe form) and 10% of children have migraine. The World Health Organization recognizes migraine as the third most common disease in the world (just after dental cavities and tension headache). For more information, see our post on the prevalence of migraine
  1. It has a disabling impact: Migraine is highly disabling, significantly affecting productivity and quality of life. It is ranked by the WHO alongside severe health conditions like quadriplegia and schizophrenia. 
  2. It is variable: Symptoms, triggers, and treatment responses vary widely among individuals, necessitating personalized management approaches. 
  1. Migraine is stigmatized but improving: Despite common misconceptions and stigma, understanding and attitudes towards migraine are gradually improving. 
  2. It has no cure, but it can be controllable: While there is no cure, migraine can be managed. Patients should be wary of myths and scams and seek personalized treatment options. Medicine is complex and migraine is variable. Navigating the treatment options for migraine is a challenge, but we have resources to try to help you with this. For more information, see our post on migraine treatment.
  1. Migraine requires community support: Many people feel misunderstood and isolated. Migraine is a common, serious condition, and joining supportive communities can improve care and quality of life for individuals with migraine. That’s the goal of Migraine Canada™, a better life for Canadians with migraine.

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Post #004