Explore the complexities of vestibular migraine with Migraine Canada’s webinar featuring Dr. Elizabeth Leroux, MD, FRCPC. Join us as Dr. Leroux addresses crucial questions about vestibular migraine, including its impact on balance, treatment options both medicinal and non-medicinal, and the role of vestibular therapy. Whether you’re navigating symptoms or seeking insights into treatment, this webinar provides valuable expertise to enhance your understanding of vestibular migraine.
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0:00 [Music]
0:07 okay to start I just want to um quickly
0:10 say that we are proudly supported by the
0:13 following sponsors on the screen without
0:16 their support and their contributions we
0:18 wouldn’t be able to hold all this
0:20 programming such as these educational
0:26 webinars and today um first I’m going to
0:30 introduce Migra Canada I will then
0:33 introduce our keynote speaker Dr
0:35 Elizabeth laru and she will have her
0:38 vestibular migraine presentation and
0:41 after that we’ll have our question and
0:43 answer session part of the evening so
0:47 migraine candada who we are we are a
0:50 national nonprofit federally registered
0:53 charity supporting all Canadians living
0:55 with migraine and headache disorders our
0:57 mission is to improve the lives of
0:59 Canadians with migraine and other
1:00 headache disorders through advocacy
1:02 awareness education research and support
1:05 our five pillars um watch out for more
1:10 the our final uh 2023 webinar which will
1:14 be December 4th on it’s going to be on
1:17 the topic of migraine in children and te
1:19 teens our vestibular migraine webinar is
1:21 tonight and if you haven’t already most
1:24 of you probably are a part of our
1:26 community but you can join any time to
1:28 receive our newsletters and
1:30 notifications of new resources and our
1:32 events uh check out our advocacy page
1:36 where we have form letter templates and
1:39 other great resources to advocate for
1:42 better care and
1:44 coverage and you can also check out our
1:47 resource Library um available in both
1:50 both French and English these are two
1:52 page um resources on what migraine is
1:55 and different ways to treat
1:58 migraine
2:00 uh so before we begin we do need to make
2:02 it clear that this webinar provides
2:04 information and not medical advice
2:07 please note that the information
2:08 presented and discussed might not apply
2:10 to your own medical situation and always
2:13 discuss Medical Treatments with your own
2:14 health care provider who knows your
2:16 medical
2:18 history so Dr Elizabeth laru is our
2:21 keynote speaker tonight we’re very happy
2:23 that she’s joining us again um she is a
2:26 neurologist and headache specialist
2:28 currently practicing at the Brunswick
2:30 Medical Center Glen neuro and she is a
2:33 faculty lecturer for McGill’s neurology
2:35 department Dr laru completed her
2:37 neurology training at University of
2:39 Montreal and her headach Fellowship in
2:41 Paris France she directed the headache
2:44 Clinic of sura Hospital de University de
2:48 Montreal between 2010 and 2016 followed
2:52 by The Champ multidisciplinary Program
2:54 of the University of Calgary from 2017
2:57 to 2019 Dr laru is p as president of the
3:00 Canadian Headache Society the founder of
3:02 Migrant Quebec and founder of chair and
3:05 chair of migraine Canada Dr laru is a
3:08 well-known speaker for all audiences
3:10 interested in learning about headache
3:11 medicine and science she’s passionate
3:14 about education and advocacy for
3:15 headache disorders and her particular
3:17 interests include multidisciplinary and
3:20 holistic approaches the impact of
3:22 migraine in the workplace vestibular
3:24 migraine and cluster
3:27 headache and with that I’m going to turn
3:29 turn it over to Dr laru for her
3:33 presentation so uh thank you everyone
3:36 for attending this webinar welcome uh
3:40 it’s a it’s an evening in November I’m
3:43 sure you’re all busy and also thank you
3:46 for joining us tonight I want to thank
3:48 you also for your support of migraine
3:50 Canada and your feedback to us and also
3:54 sharing and talking about this because
3:56 as the chair of migraine Canada I really
3:58 want this organization to grow I started
4:01 it to serve people with migraine and to
4:04 uh break migraine stigma so uh I really
4:07 hope that we are helping you uh or the
4:10 people that you care about um in any way
4:13 that we can and we’re growing we’re
4:16 learning so uh thank you for feedback
4:18 sharing and being part of our community
4:22 so tonight tonight we talk about
4:24 vestibular migraine the image in the
4:27 background is a beautiful Lake I am a
4:30 fan of canoe camping and those are still
4:33 waters you know no storm no instability
4:37 no travel sickness ahead and so that’s
4:40 what we all wish for this nice quietness
4:44 but vestibular migraine is anything but
4:47 that and so I think it’s very important
4:50 that we talk about it tonight so I’ll
4:53 see if I can move now my
4:55 slides I do present uh my disclosure
4:58 information this is what I show when I
5:00 present to Scientific audiences because
5:03 I do receive an anaria from the for
5:06 mostly the pharmaceutical industry as a
5:08 speaker consultant or board
5:12 member everything is off label for
5:14 vestibular migraine so any comment I
5:16 will make on treatments or
5:18 medications uh here is entirely my my
5:22 opinion and hopefully supported by
5:25 evidence okay so I will start by saying
5:29 that my interest in vestibular migraine
5:32 and vestibular problems in general is
5:34 because I have personally experienced a
5:37 lot of it and uh I will disclose this
5:41 with you tonight that I had laberintitis
5:44 as a kid I remember lying in bed with
5:47 severe vertigo and vomiting for actually
5:49 close to two weeks um I also had severe
5:53 travel sickness as a kid throwing up on
5:56 cars um I had an episode of bppv V which
6:00 uh I will talk about a bit later just a
6:03 few years past uh I I do live with
6:06 episodic Migraine with and also without
6:09 Aura uh I I have a v visual intolerance
6:13 up to this day meaning for example that
6:16 I cannot watch movies that are shot you
6:18 know with instability and action zones
6:21 and sometimes I watch a screen and I
6:24 look around and everybody seems to be
6:25 enjoying themselves but I just cannot
6:28 look at all those moving images and this
6:31 is something I can see that I’m a bit
6:33 abnormal because everybody else seems to
6:35 be okay except me um I had two attacks
6:39 of severe vertigo with nagus so kind of
6:42 shaky movement of the eyes and vomiting
6:45 without headache that I think are
6:47 probably vestibular migraine but as you
6:50 will see do not completely fit the
6:52 criteria for vestibular migraine and I
6:55 also had an attack of migraine two years
6:57 ago after a day of
7:00 kayaking where I worked a lot with my
7:02 shoulders and the next day I woke up
7:04 with a you know a bad a bad headache
7:07 with neck pain shoulder pain and severe
7:09 dizziness that I kind of thought was
7:11 linked to my neck and to My overall um
7:14 migraine story so I’m telling you this
7:17 because when I I meet patients with
7:19 vestibular problems whatever the
7:20 diagnosis is I tell them that they do
7:23 not have to convince me that those
7:26 symptoms exist um so they do not have to
7:29 to um to convince me how disabling those
7:33 sensations of all kinds vertigo
7:36 vestibular intolerance visual
7:38 intolerance uh can be and so I share
7:41 that with you so you know that I really
7:43 care about those symptoms and those
7:45 problems whatever the diagnosis
7:47 is the other thing that I will to start
7:50 with um I want to start with is that
7:52 there are no simple answers in this
7:55 field I do go on different conferences I
7:59 attend congresses I am part of the
8:02 special interest group of the American
8:03 Headache Society on vestibular migraine
8:05 and
8:06 disorders and there there’s still a lot
8:09 that is in discussion even among experts
8:13 so it is normal that some doctors don’t
8:16 know about those things that some
8:18 doctors May disagree about those things
8:21 and that you might feel a little bit
8:23 confused about all of this because it is
8:26 not set in stone there’s so some degree
8:29 of uncertainty and and um definitions
8:33 that are tentative that might be
8:35 consensus from experts at present time
8:38 but not something that will always
8:40 remain in that state and that’s
8:42 something that is always a bit uh we
8:44 think that medicine is just like you
8:46 know there’s white one truth um and we
8:49 wish it would be the case but in this
8:52 field in particular there is a lot of
8:54 questions that are still open but I will
8:56 say that there’s more and more research
8:59 more and more Publications about it and
9:01 more and more presence in conferences
9:04 and scientific meetings of vestibular
9:06 migraine which was not the case 10 years
9:09 ago when I started to get interested
9:11 into
9:12 it so what we like cover during the
9:15 following uh talk we’ll talk about
9:18 anatomy and the meaning of the word
9:21 vestibular we’ll talk about the symptoms
9:24 uh we’ll talk about a few diseases that
9:27 can cause vestibular symptoms and may
9:29 coexist with migraine we will Define of
9:33 course vestibular migraine and then
9:35 illustrate different scenarios that
9:38 might uh lead to symptoms and then talk
9:41 about some tests and very practical
9:43 comments about different treatments I
9:46 will also make a little note about pppd
9:50 so persistent postural perceptual
9:52 dizziness a diagnosis that may coexist
9:55 with numerous vestibular issues so let’s
9:59 get
10:01 started so what does vestibular mean
10:06 right so vestibular relates to the
10:09 vestibular organs in our inner ear and
10:14 you can see here inside the uh the ear
10:16 there are two sets of organs there is
10:19 the ca the ca looks like a little snail
10:23 and this is the organ for hearing and
10:25 I’m not going to talk about it tonight
10:28 but what you see on the right side with
10:31 all what we call the semicircular canals
10:33 that are little tubes filled with
10:36 liquids that uh ensure our sense of
10:43 posture um are so the the semicircular
10:46 canals are the canals for our balance
10:49 and you can see that nature is
10:50 beautifully done because they are
10:53 oriented kind of 90 degrees apart in all
10:56 directions and they tell our our brain
10:59 where our head is going depending on uh
11:04 how the liquid flows you know so this is
11:06 really a biom mechanic uh gravity
11:08 influence system that uh will relate to
11:12 our brain how our head is moving in
11:15 Direction and also in speed so is it
11:19 rotating in that direction very fast or
11:21 just bending in the front very slowly
11:24 for example and it does that through
11:28 quite a complicated system and I will
11:30 not go go into great depth about this
11:34 but I want to show you how much we know
11:36 about the system in what we call the
11:40 different receptor organs right so we
11:42 have those tiny tiny little cells with
11:45 little fine hairs that are moving in the
11:48 liquid and then the movement of the air
11:51 the hairs are transmitted in electricity
11:55 in the nerve fiber isn’t that magical so
11:58 depending how how we move our head then
12:01 our those little hairs will feel and
12:05 then transmit into an electrical signal
12:09 that then will be put together by the
12:11 brain and then transferred to your
12:13 Consciousness to tell you information so
12:17 this is something that we we know and we
12:20 understand but we cannot necessarily see
12:22 in that degree of detail in a person
12:24 this is more from Anatomy but when we uh
12:27 we see a living human being we cannot of
12:30 course examine this in this degree of
12:34 detail and then once we have the
12:36 electric signal have to be transferred
12:38 to the
12:39 brain and uh interpret it and they then
12:42 interact with a lot of other things for
12:44 example what we see with our eyes what
12:47 we feel with our feet and what we feel
12:49 of of course also with our neck um so
12:52 there’s a lot of things kind of talking
12:54 together and everything has to align so
12:57 we have a bit of a sense of POS position
12:59 in the air so here is Illustrated in
13:02 this image that to uh to uh stand stand
13:06 stand stable and to feel stable when we
13:09 walk around for example well then we
13:12 have to use our ears our eyes our neck
13:14 but also all our spinal cord down to our
13:17 feet and legs because our legs are also
13:19 constantly telling us where we are all
13:22 of this is modulated by other organs and
13:26 I’m not going to go into great depth
13:28 about those neurological terms but for
13:32 example the cerebellum is one part of
13:34 the brain that will modulate all our
13:36 movements for precision and coordination
13:39 and it also plays a role into our gate
13:41 and our standing state so there’s a lot
13:45 of different organs that act that that
13:47 interact with the vestibular system so
13:52 um and next so this is a bit more detail
13:55 about this the vestibular system will
13:58 will uh play many roles because this
14:01 information about the position of our
14:03 head then serves different function for
14:06 example well it’s very important to uh
14:09 decide where our eyes are directed
14:12 depending on Our intention if I want to
14:14 catch something that’s moving or if I
14:16 want to study or to read if I want to
14:19 drive every time that we use our eyes
14:22 the Vesti system is an action because it
14:25 will help our eyes to focus on the
14:27 target and this can depend a lot on you
14:31 know what is moving where we’re focusing
14:34 far near Etc so the eyes are something
14:38 the balance we talked about the spatial
14:40 orientation you know where we are
14:43 globally in 3D at every time and then
14:46 the autonomic part autonomic Parts talks
14:49 about what Will mediate for example our
14:52 blood pressure our heart rate all kinds
14:55 of other functions in our body so our
14:59 vestibular system is interacting at
15:02 every moment with all of those systems
15:04 and you can see how this will relate to
15:07 the symptoms that we will describe in a
15:11 moment sometimes you will hear a lot
15:13 about neurologist or ENT talking about
15:17 peripheral versus Central and this is
15:20 something that we use all the time in
15:23 neurology and I think we can use a bit
15:25 of a computer analogy so the brain
15:28 Central
15:29 is like the computer it’s where
15:31 everything is put together interpreted
15:34 and analyzed so this is what we mean by
15:37 Central um and so This concerns
15:40 everything apart from the actual
15:43 peripheral organ so you could see that
15:45 peripheral is like whatever is plugged
15:48 into your computer a printer maybe a fax
15:51 machine maybe a scanner uh maybe some
15:55 other video game so all the organs that
15:59 are plugged into the system like the
16:01 peripheral vestibular organs are what we
16:04 call peripheral the minute that it
16:07 enters the brain then we call it Central
16:11 and in the central there are many
16:12 different bits and bites and programs if
16:14 you wish of the computer so when we see
16:18 a person with vestibular symptoms and
16:20 I’ll get that in a minut to that in a
16:22 moment we want to to try to understand
16:25 if they are from the peripheral system
16:29 or if they are more Central so for
16:32 example anyway so when we talk about
16:36 peripheral vestibular system the
16:38 symptoms are usually the assault very
16:41 clear rotatory vertigo a spinning
16:44 rotation something that that is spinning
16:47 and turning that is what happens when
16:49 the two peripheral organs are not in
16:52 full balance then when we go more
16:55 centrally then it can become a little
16:57 bit more difficult to to describe for
17:00 example thinking about those eye
17:02 connections having difficulty focusing
17:05 the vision uh sensitivity to moving
17:08 things like I was describing me in the
17:10 movie theater uh different patterns for
17:13 example and then there’s all this
17:15 question about the
17:16 sensitivity of someone walking so that’s
17:19 the connection with the cerebellum so
17:21 feeling unstable swaying feeling pushed
17:24 all of this uh is not directly
17:27 peripheral it’s not only the vestibular
17:29 system it’s the vestibular system in its
17:32 re relationships with other
17:35 systems okay then vestibular Sensations
17:39 let’s say the the the vertigo the sway
17:41 they may come with other symptoms but
17:45 these symptoms are not always caused by
17:47 vestibular issues so for example if you
17:51 have a lot of a vertigo then it will
17:55 activate strong reactions for example
17:57 the Str stress response okay you will
17:59 feel faint sweaty your heart will rise
18:03 we talked about this autonomic reaction
18:05 like adrenaline reaction stress response
18:08 this can be extremely disabling very
18:11 powerful but you can feel those things
18:14 even if you don’t have a vestibular
18:16 symptoms there’s a ton of other reasons
18:19 why you might feel like this nausea and
18:22 vomiting come a lot with vestibular
18:25 reactions but they can come with other
18:27 things for example just
18:28 plain Migraine with no vestibular
18:31 symptoms and then the vestibular issues
18:33 can also come with brain fog difficulty
18:37 to focus difficulty walking and all of
18:40 this can also occur without any
18:43 vestibular dysfunction and then of
18:45 course feeling like this will raise
18:48 anxiety and anxiety will increase the
18:51 vestibular sensation because anxiety
18:54 usually just is a dimmer on our
18:56 Sensations and if you are are very
18:58 anxious everything’s will be heightened
19:02 more powerful you will feel everything
19:04 bigger than it is uh whether it is an
19:06 emotion an expectation or a bodily
19:11 sensation so this those vestibular
19:13 Sensations are accompanied by other
19:16 responses that can be also quite
19:18 disabling but sometimes we might feel
19:21 all of those symptoms with no vestibular
19:23 issue whatsoever but then people might
19:26 feel that they are dizzy because they
19:28 feel like that but they have no
19:29 vestibular issue so feeling dizzy when I
19:34 was in med school I remember distinctly
19:37 it’s one of the things that is the most
19:39 difficult to question when you meet a
19:40 person a patient it’s one of the most
19:43 difficult symptom to describe for a
19:45 person there’s actually research showing
19:49 that people like will change their
19:50 description over time so for example if
19:53 you take a same patient in the emergency
19:55 with a complaint of dizziness well the
19:58 resident can come and take a very good
20:01 history and saying yes it was a spinning
20:04 rotatory vertigo and then the staff
20:06 neurologists come and the person nope
20:09 all the history finally changes and this
20:11 is very common so there are different
20:13 types of so-called dizziness the vertigo
20:16 that is spinning the disequilibrium
20:18 which is feeling kind of wobbly and
20:20 off-balance lihe headedness it’s kind of
20:23 woozy brain fog maybe this disconnection
20:26 and then this kind of autonomic feeling
20:28 that I mentioned feeling faint feeling
20:31 maybe sweaty or you’re going to lose
20:34 Consciousness and it’s okay not to be
20:36 sure because as I told you all those
20:38 symptoms come together and sometimes you
20:40 can have everything or you can have just
20:43 part of it and it can change over time
20:45 as well so you will see sometimes that
20:48 doctors might be a bit frustrated that
20:50 they don’t understand what you mean and
20:53 even if you try your best another thing
20:55 that you will see when you meet doctors
20:57 especially in the emergency department
20:59 is that they will try to push you in one
21:02 category they will tell you is it
21:04 spinning is it rotating because they
21:07 would like to understand if it’s
21:09 peripheral or Central right they try to
21:12 make it clear but sometimes it is not
21:15 clear that’s just the hard truth with
21:17 this
21:18 system all right now in the next four
21:21 slides I will present to you some other
21:23 diseases that will cause vestibular
21:26 symptoms and I swear I will get to V
21:28 migraine but I think we need to talk
21:31 about other diseases first and you will
21:33 see why the first is Miner’s disease so
21:36 Minier disease is a disorder of the uh
21:40 the whole vestibular system and also the
21:42 clear system so the auditory system as
21:45 you can see on the image below it is a
21:48 problem where all those canals that are
21:50 filled with liquid well the cavity
21:53 becomes somehow distended we call that
21:56 Hy drops right so it’s it’s like it’s
21:58 it’s too swollen it’s under pressure
22:01 like those little canals they’re very
22:03 sensitive and all of this leads to um
22:07 loss of hearing violent attacks of
22:10 rotatory vertigo usually with vomiting
22:13 that can last usually more than 30
22:15 minutes can be hours and it evolves over
22:18 years and sometimes people will
22:20 completely lose their audition on one
22:22 side so this is not an easy disease to
22:26 diagnose it will take an ENT to Do It um
22:29 but it is this is a very serious
22:31 condition though now we have more and
22:33 more treatments for
22:35 it bppv that I mentioned as well is a
22:39 disorder that’s completely different
22:41 it’s not many year’s disease and this
22:43 causes so it’s a problem of um a
22:45 displacement of the little I’ll call
22:48 them the little crystals because people
22:50 understand that very well we call them
22:52 in Medicus aonia so those are the little
22:56 rocks like we that are in floating in
22:58 the liquid and then they go in the wrong
23:01 place it’s like they are going to push
23:03 on those little hairs that we talked
23:04 about and they will send very wrong
23:07 signals of where your head is so when
23:10 you will for example turn your head in a
23:13 certain position typically in your bed
23:15 in a certain side then everything will
23:18 start to spin until the little crystals
23:22 are kind of SP like quieted down and
23:25 then you feel okay until you move your
23:27 head again and then it’s going to speed
23:29 spin spin again for a few minutes this
23:33 doesn’t come with usually attacks that
23:36 last hours or any hearing loss um and it
23:39 can be diagnosed now very well in
23:41 vestibular physio or by a doctor by
23:44 different maneuvers of the head and then
23:46 it can be also treated by maneuvers of
23:49 the head in the vast majority of times
23:52 so that’s why we call it benign because
23:55 usually it’s not a something that leads
23:57 to disability or long-term issues um and
24:01 Parx is small because it kind of starts
24:03 and stops and positional then we have
24:07 laberintitis laberintitis is something
24:10 quite elusive um roughly it is a viral
24:13 inflammation of the ear and it is like
24:16 any virus like the one I have right now
24:19 it comes and goes and it starts like a
24:22 bit suddenly people will have sometimes
24:24 hearing loss a lot of dizziness a lot of
24:26 vertigo nausea vomiting sometimes pain
24:29 in the ear as well and then it may last
24:32 a few days a few weeks it will resolve
24:34 there is actually no final diagnostic
24:37 test but if you do testing you will find
24:41 that both organs are not the same one is
24:44 actually not functioning right so this
24:46 is something that can be diagnosed but
24:48 it takes a bit of special testing which
24:51 they do not have in the emergency
24:53 department so I will say a lot of people
24:56 with vestibular mind MRA are thought to
24:58 have an episode of laberintitis because
25:01 they went to an emerge and that’s what
25:03 the ER people will diagnose when they
25:06 have excluded other things right they
25:08 will say oh it’s a laberintitis because
25:11 you know that’s the most common thing
25:13 probably in the emergency
25:16 setting and then the last thing that can
25:18 cause vertigo and dizziness but not the
25:21 least is stroke but of course stroke
25:24 it’s something very sudden it it occurs
25:26 usually one one time and that’s it and
25:29 it comes with other problems usually
25:31 it’s not only being dizzy it will be
25:33 with double vision a different things
25:36 for example numbness swallowing
25:38 difficulties I want to be very careful
25:41 here because stroke first is a serious
25:44 condition and I don’t want to make you
25:46 feel like there’s a unique picture of
25:48 what we call a brain stem stroke because
25:50 it’s a very complex things even
25:53 neurology uh residents struggle to learn
25:55 about brain stem stroke so so my whole
25:58 point here is that if you never had a
26:01 severe episode of dizziness or vertigo
26:03 in your life and you have one it’s okay
26:05 to go to the emergency department and to
26:08 be worked up for it in case you know it
26:10 may be it could be a stroke so I want to
26:12 be very prudent here about this one so
26:15 why did I present all of those diseases
26:17 and I haven’t still said a word about
26:19 vestibular migraine it’s because
26:21 migraine is actually comorbid it comes
26:24 it fares along all of those things so
26:28 people with migraine have more chance of
26:30 having bppv more risk I should say more
26:34 risk of having
26:35 Mur um they have uh I don’t think that
26:38 they have more risk of having
26:39 laberintitis they have a bit more risk
26:41 of having stroke though usually not
26:43 brain stem stroke um they have also more
26:46 risk of having motion sickness because
26:48 motion sickness is like this sensitivity
26:51 to vular perception and uh all of this
26:54 is two to three to five times more
26:57 frequent
26:58 so that means that like many other
27:02 problems of the brain um the migrainous
27:05 brain can be triggered influenced by
27:09 other diseases and that’s true for the
27:12 sinuses that’s true for the neck that’s
27:15 true for the mental health issues that’s
27:18 true for the TMG like the jaw problems
27:21 broism know people having grinding
27:24 issues all of this I call this the
27:26 pingpong of the brain so the migraine
27:29 brain will just react to whatever you
27:32 throw at it right so if you throw sleep
27:35 apnea at it well there’s going to be
27:37 more migraine and more symptoms right so
27:40 that’s true as well for any vestibular
27:42 issues so that means that if you have
27:45 you live with migraine and then you
27:47 develop Miner’s disease well of course
27:50 if you start having Miner’s disease you
27:52 might start having more migraine because
27:55 you’re going to have those attacks maybe
27:57 some stress related to it lack of sleep
28:00 vomiting
28:01 dehydration so there’s this influence of
28:04 vestibular diseases triggering migraine
28:07 migraine attacks so it might be that if
28:10 you live with migraine and you have
28:12 vestibular issues you do not have
28:14 vestibular migraine you might have
28:17 another diagnosis that has to be
28:19 diagnosed by a proper person may that be
28:21 an ENT or neurologist and treated
28:25 accordingly it might also mean that if
28:28 you have bppv and you live with migraine
28:31 well maybe the pppv will be a little bit
28:34 more intense and you will not adapt to
28:37 it because people will migraine do not
28:39 habituate very well to sensory stuff
28:42 right they they see they see more
28:45 intensely they cannot turn down you know
28:47 the level of the sounds of the light
28:50 their brain is just our brain I mean I
28:53 have my brain is just not wired that way
28:56 and that’s true also for vestibular
28:58 problems so for example when I had my
29:01 bppv I knew it was bppv I diagnosed
29:04 myself and I treated myself in my living
29:07 room um but then I was not completely
29:11 symptom free in between episodes because
29:14 I always felt a little bit dizzy even
29:16 after after this ratory phase because my
29:19 migous brain was just you know and I was
29:21 already sensitive so all of this took
29:24 more time to resolve um than it would
29:26 have someone without
29:29 migraine so the migraine brain becomes
29:32 sensitized and does not habituate
29:34 because either we have a lower threshold
29:37 so we perceive very mild Sensations or
29:40 there’s a lack of breakes inhibition so
29:42 we have an inability to ignore or
29:45 downplay whatever Sensations that life
29:47 strows at us and in that sense migraine
29:51 can lead to increase and persistent
29:53 vestibular Sensations caused by another
29:55 disease so now we come to the core of
29:58 things can migraine itself without any
30:02 other things cause vestibular
30:05 symptoms the answer is yes it can
30:09 there’s a lot of different causes of
30:12 different systems and different
30:14 pathophysiology hypothesis that can
30:17 explain why a person with migraine could
30:20 have a similar Sensations with no other
30:24 condition at all and um here I want to
30:29 invite you to think like a neurologist
30:32 which is we think by Zone by stage by
30:35 floor if you wish so we can imagine at
30:40 least five different things five
30:43 different parts of the brain that might
30:45 be involved in vestibular migraine from
30:47 the cortex so this is the outer part of
30:50 the brain to the thalamus which is a bit
30:52 of a regulating Center to the nuclei to
30:56 the cerebell
30:57 to the organs and then we can think it a
31:00 different way we could say maybe it’s a
31:02 matter of neurotransmitter so you know a
31:05 chemistry way is it serotonin is it
31:08 dopamine is it
31:09 acetycholine we can talk about it until
31:12 tomorrow morning okay so there are a lot
31:15 of ways linking the vestibular system
31:18 with the whole brain and all of those
31:21 have also actually been supported by
31:24 different research pieces for for
31:27 example showing abnormal things going on
31:30 in the cortex in the thalamus another
31:33 hypothesis you know could a vestibular
31:36 sensation be a Nora so maybe you know
31:40 maybe some people with vestibular
31:41 migraine have auras that are vestibular
31:45 so there’s a lot of potential reasons
31:48 and a lot of potential connections and
31:50 just for fun
31:53 prepare those are more connections just
31:56 showing
31:57 all the links between the pain systems
32:00 of migraine and the vestibular system so
32:04 there’s no end of potential links
32:07 between the vestibular ws and the
32:10 migraine
32:11 pathophysiology so and believe me a lot
32:14 of doctors don’t know about all of this
32:16 because just nobody told them it was not
32:19 part of their training and it’s just
32:21 damn complicated in theory there are
32:24 many brain mechanisms that could lead to
32:26 VES symptoms and migraine but the big
32:29 problem is there is no way to check that
32:33 in practice yet okay I to this day have
32:37 zero way there’s first there’s no
32:40 biomarker for migraine meaning that
32:42 there is no kind of official test that I
32:45 can run on someone in my clinic in
32:48 research centers and other thing um to
32:51 prove that they have migraine there’s no
32:53 way so and we have no way to study the
32:56 vestibular system
32:57 like just clinically in our in our
32:59 practice so you can imagine that having
33:02 headache that’s very common and then
33:04 disiness that’s also very common uh and
33:07 very difficult to question well they’re
33:10 both very very common symptoms and this
33:12 is partly why doctors are reluctant to
33:15 link migraine and dizziness as a
33:17 diagnosis
33:19 historically but what are the criteria
33:22 so here we are okay there’s been a lot
33:26 of different terms use um for
33:30 migraines for what we call now
33:32 vestibular migraine there was something
33:34 called M migraine Associated so migraine
33:37 Associated related disiness migraine
33:40 vestibulopathy migraine is vertigo all
33:43 of those terms have been used in the
33:45 past now we use V tuber migraine so it
33:48 takes
33:49 roughly uh at least five episodes and
33:53 you need to have a history of migraine
33:55 and I’ll make one point you you have to
33:58 have headaches okay you cannot have no
34:00 history of headache and have aular
34:02 migraine this is not a thing then the
34:05 vestibular symptoms have to be there the
34:08 last lasting between five minutes and 72
34:12 hours and then a half of those episodes
34:15 are supposed to be associated with at
34:18 least one of three migrainous features
34:22 you so a headache with different
34:24 characteristics of migraine photo and
34:26 pho phobia or visual Aura so this is
34:31 where it’s getting a bit tricky because
34:34 in theory you could have you know for
34:37 example 50% of episodes with just visual
34:41 Aura and you could call this a
34:43 vestibular migraine but that’s not the
34:45 most common scenario so just remember
34:48 those criteria are working criteria
34:51 they’re not final and they’re absolutely
34:53 by no means something that I expect to
34:55 see set and stone for for the next
34:57 whatever
34:58 years but this is what we work with at
35:00 present time in addition to the symptoms
35:03 that I just showed there there’s a lot
35:05 of other things that people who fit
35:07 those criteria also present so they will
35:11 have for example attacks of untriggered
35:13 vertigo they can have provoked vertigo
35:16 even by you know you look at something
35:18 that moves triggers you moving the head
35:21 triggers you um moving your body
35:25 triggers you you can have tinitus which
35:27 is something extremely common in the
35:30 population and even more in people with
35:32 migraine you can have a feeling of
35:35 having a full ear you can have the
35:37 famous oopsa or shaky eyes which is kind
35:40 of when someone has the nagus which is a
35:44 a term we use in neurology when the eyes
35:45 are beating with a rhythmic way
35:48 unsteadiness lightheadedness Alice and
35:51 Wonderland is something a bit more aware
35:53 that is a distortion of size for example
35:56 or even color
35:57 so that’s something that’s
35:59 associated and those symptoms are very
36:02 disabling and I don’t need to tell you
36:04 this if you live with vestibular
36:05 migraine so this is an example where in
36:08 a daily life or vestibular Sy system in
36:12 a busy environment like a metro station
36:15 everything’s moving you are moving
36:17 people are moving their sounds their
36:19 lights and then it might overrun your
36:22 brain your your sensory analysis system
36:26 and then all of this might become
36:27 overwhelming and you might feel
36:31 dizzy anxiety and other symptoms also
36:34 accompany vestibular migraine anxiety is
36:38 extremely high and like I’ve explained
36:40 to you it’s no surprise because those
36:42 Sensations can be extremely disruptive
36:45 depression is high insomnia is very
36:47 common brain fog phobias so having
36:51 phobias for example of busy places
36:54 agoraphobia and also what we call
36:56 functional syndrome which I will not go
36:59 uh in detail to at present time but this
37:02 is really something that comes with the
37:05 different types of mental health issues
37:07 all right so I want to make a comment
37:10 here if if those of you maybe who do not
37:12 know this guy this is Dr glaucon fleen
37:16 this is a fake name for a guy who is
37:19 doing videos about medicine if if you
37:22 want to look him up he’s hilarious for
37:24 us doctors if you are in heare you will
37:27 understand those jokes so on the left
37:29 you have the neurologist with
37:32 interesting hair style and and glasses
37:35 on the other side you have the ENT
37:37 you’re looking you know we make fun of
37:38 Surgeons to to be a little bit uh you
37:41 know like like this what why and to be
37:43 very kind of physical people but not
37:46 necessarily intellectual like
37:47 neurologists anyway so sometimes the
37:51 ent’s will refer to neurology people who
37:54 have so-called chronic dizziness but
37:56 they have no history of headache no
38:00 diagnosis of migraine and then they will
38:02 say oh the patient is dizzy I cannot
38:05 find anything in the peripheral organ
38:07 let’s send to neurology for vestibular
38:10 migraine as I’ve shown you to have a
38:13 diagnosis of vestibular migraine you
38:15 need to have a diagnosis of migraine how
38:19 much migraine is not too clear you know
38:22 what if you had a few episodes in your
38:24 teens and never again is that’s a
38:26 efficient um so the typical history of
38:29 vestibular migraine I’ll show in a few
38:31 moments but just to be clear that
38:33 there’s a gazillion reasons why someone
38:35 might feel dizzy with no headache and
38:38 that is not vular
38:41 migraine so there’s many scenarios those
38:44 hyas very are very long to take so when
38:47 I meet a person with a complaint of
38:49 headaches and
38:51 disiness then I have to go over the full
38:54 history of migraine with a simp symptoms
38:56 their duration their frequency whatever
38:59 happened the tests the treatments and
39:01 then I have to do a history of the
39:03 vestibular complaints and as you’ve seen
39:05 there are many different types of
39:07 symptoms so to have every symptom the
39:10 duration the frequency what was done the
39:13 testing and eventually the treatments
39:16 and then do they associate right so are
39:19 they coming together are they linked or
39:23 is it someone who has a history of
39:25 migraine and then they Miner’s disease
39:28 right so I always look at impact and
39:30 disability impact on mental health
39:33 anxiety hypervigilance avoidance and
39:36 then of course all the treatments so
39:39 those are very long stories to take and
39:41 once again sometimes you know doctors do
39:45 not have the the time or interest or
39:47 training to perform those complex
39:49 histories and it leads to sometimes a
39:52 bit of just this disregarding or saying
39:55 oh vular migraine is not a thing it is a
39:58 thing it is a diagnosis it’s just it’s a
40:00 bit
40:01 complicated so here is a typical history
40:05 that I see in my office so it is usually
40:08 so it can be a man of course but let’s
40:10 say there’s more women in her 40s
40:13 there’s something with vestibular
40:15 symptoms and the 40s right is it the
40:18 premenopause or is it hormonal or is it
40:20 having kids and parents and taking care
40:23 of everybody I don’t know but I see a
40:25 lot of V symptoms start starting in the
40:28 40s so she has a history of migraine at
40:32 32 she had a so-called laberintitis so
40:34 she had three weeks of vertigo at gained
40:37 its stability then she recovered but
40:40 then she remained sensitive to movement
40:42 but people who have laberintitis
40:44 sometimes do remain sensitive to
40:46 movements that’s documented at 38
40:49 migraine frequency increased that
40:52 happens at 40 she had another
40:55 laberintitis that was maybe a bit
40:57 shorter and since then she has episodes
41:00 of dizziness sometimes with migraine
41:03 sometimes without like we’ve seen
41:05 doesn’t have to be every episode linked
41:07 with the migraine or with headache um
41:09 lasting one or two days and overall she
41:13 has some episode 20 days per month so
41:16 sometimes the migraine with or without
41:18 the vertigo and the dizziness and in
41:20 between episode she’s always very
41:22 sensitive to things that are moving fast
41:25 and every visual stimuli she’s cautious
41:28 with driving she has stop dancing
41:29 lessons her neck is very tense and the
41:32 osteopath says that she has cervical
41:34 disiness that I would be would I would
41:37 say would be a quite typical history of
41:40 vestibular migraine now don’t get me
41:43 wrong vular migraine can start at any
41:45 age it can start very young can start
41:47 older it can come in all types of
41:50 frequency durations and flavors but
41:52 that’s something I see a lot in my
41:55 office so to illustrate this in a bit
41:58 more synthetic or schematic way so I I
42:02 like to have two lines right like I said
42:05 the line of the migraine history and
42:07 then the line of the vestibular history
42:10 and now I added here little starts you
42:12 know this laberintitis is it because you
42:15 had migraine then you had a laberintitis
42:18 an inflammation of your ear and since
42:21 then this kind of sensitized major
42:23 vestibular symptom or your vestibular
42:25 system
42:26 more sensitive and then you develop
42:29 Migraine with vestibular symptom that’s
42:32 a theory that’s around and that might be
42:34 very true for some people then the other
42:37 thing that I sprinkled there is TBI
42:39 traumatic brain injury so we know people
42:41 with concussion will develop vestibular
42:44 symptoms it’s part of the concussion
42:46 symptoms feeling dizzy brain fog and
42:49 then all the rest that I mentioned so
42:52 that sometimes will trigger also
42:54 vestibular symptoms that might C coexist
42:57 with migraine and then people might
42:59 evolve from having occasional attacks to
43:03 having those kind of chronic symptoms
43:05 chronic headache chronic uh photophobia
43:09 chronic dizziness vestibular intolerance
43:12 and always being in this kind of super
43:14 sensitive state that we are familiar
43:18 with u a few words about the Nick what
43:21 about the Nick so a lot of people
43:25 believe in cervical genic dizziness um
43:28 and cervical genic dizziness the idea is
43:30 because our neck and as I’ve shown you
43:32 the neck also tells us where our head is
43:35 you know at any time so the idea is that
43:38 there are some nerves in the neck that
43:40 will tell us where our brain is and that
43:43 might actually lead us to feeling woozy
43:46 unstable and we know that’s possible
43:48 because when we block those nerves in
43:50 the neck my patients when I do nerve
43:52 blocks sometimes they will say wo I feel
43:54 a little bit dizzy so so that makes
43:57 sense that the neck could come could
43:59 cause dizziness but the current thinking
44:02 of the scientific Community the Baran
44:05 society which is the leading
44:06 organization on all of this is that
44:09 cervical genic disiness is over
44:11 diagnosed and even scientifically
44:13 uncertain so there’s a lot of website
44:17 out there from osteopath chiropractor
44:21 claiming that they can cure you know
44:23 cervicogenic disiness I think it it’s
44:26 it’s AB it’s absolutely okay to do
44:28 everything to take care of your neck um
44:31 but it’s very normal that feeling dizzy
44:33 will also cause neck pain and neck
44:36 tension so sometimes it’s very difficult
44:38 to call the chicken or the egg so at the
44:41 end of the day my point on cervical
44:44 genic dizziness is I basically never
44:46 diagnose it except in very rare
44:49 condition I just put it in the whole
44:51 Melting Pot I try to stabilize the neck
44:54 of my patients the best I can with with
44:56 different techniques and the cause the
44:58 original cause is very rarely the neck
45:01 it’s part of the problem but it’s rarely
45:03 the
45:05 cause all right so now that we have
45:08 discussed quite a bit of stuff so the
45:10 definition the anatomy the science you
45:13 know other diagnosis I will tell you at
45:15 this moment you probably know more than
45:18 quite a many doctors uh who don’t have
45:21 not no interest in vular
45:23 migraine so now practice what does that
45:27 mean for you as a potential patient
45:29 living with
45:30 this so first if you live with this set
45:34 of symptoms of migraine with dizziness
45:37 well first you should see an ENT and get
45:39 appropriate testing mostly to exclude
45:43 other disorders okay so there are many
45:46 tests that can be done not necessarily
45:49 to diagnose vestibular migraine but to
45:52 exclude other things so vng is called
45:55 the video nagog so that’s where they put
45:58 those funky goggles on you and then they
46:01 record your eye movements um with
46:03 suppressing your fixation means that if
46:06 you don’t see in front of you because of
46:07 the goggles then the eyes will kind of
46:10 go around a bit more freely and they can
46:13 uh analyze the eye movements very uh
46:16 precisely that’s a very important test
46:18 to test the vestibular system caloric
46:21 testing is uh looking at the reflexes of
46:24 the ears with cold and hot
46:26 so hot water cold water it’s not
46:29 particularly funny because it will it
46:31 will cause vertigo and dizziness so for
46:34 people with vestibular migraine it’s
46:36 usually not a fun test so is the test
46:39 that you see at the at the at the below
46:42 part of the image testing more about the
46:44 postural reflexes um and the the kind of
46:48 the standing function of the vestibular
46:50 system vemps are vestibular evoked
46:54 myogenic potential this is is more to
46:56 check about the relationship between the
46:58 neck and the vestibular system and then
47:01 the audiogram to test hearing so none of
47:04 that can be done by a good ENT lab but
47:09 there is no specific testing for VM and
47:11 40% of people will have fully normal
47:16 vestibular testing despite meeting the
47:18 clinical criteria 60% will have some
47:24 abnormality right it can be a bit of
47:26 decreased hearing it can be a little bit
47:29 of abnormal eye movements uh so there
47:32 are Central and peripheral so I’m not
47:35 going to go into detail about what is
47:37 what but there’s a long list of
47:40 different things we can look on these
47:41 tests and we can find some abnormalities
47:45 they may actually deteriorate over time
47:47 in people with VM um but this is not
47:50 part of the diagnostic criteria because
47:53 it’s not specific enough
47:56 two so keep an adapted diary this is
48:00 maybe not a super good example because
48:02 it’s not detailed enough the diary we
48:05 use in the clinic where I work I work
48:08 with an an ENT expert in min’s disease
48:11 and we have built a very detailed diary
48:14 we don’t do that forever where people
48:16 will record you know everything the
48:19 headache the photophobia theophobia the
48:21 nausea the hearing aspect the short
48:25 dizziness the long dizziness the intense
48:27 vertigo the and so people can just map
48:30 all of this and then we see what type of
48:33 episode coals you know together versus
48:36 separate and that helps us understanding
48:40 what is going on with a particular
48:43 patient so even I mean having a headache
48:46 diary I’m sure some of you have done
48:48 them it takes time it’s a lot of detail
48:51 if you have vestibular migraine it’s
48:53 even more detail but it’s very
48:57 important three a lot of people want to
49:00 know about vestibular physio should I do
49:03 it right so what is vestibular physio
49:07 vestibular physio is designed usually
49:10 for people who have a peripheral problem
49:13 right we think that vestibular migraine
49:17 is mostly a central problem and that
49:21 people with vestibular migraine do not
49:24 habituate right so they have difficulty
49:27 adapting their brain have difficulty
49:29 adapting so usually when we use
49:32 vestibular physio it’s because one organ
49:35 is weaker than the other then there is
49:37 an imbalance and we train the brain to
49:40 manage this imbalance right so this is
49:45 very good if you have a problem with an
49:48 organ but if your problem is the
49:51 habituation it’s longer and more
49:54 difficult to train and to use vestibular
49:56 physio to improve so there are studies
49:59 showing that vestibular physio is good
50:01 for vestibular migraine but it takes
50:03 more effort more time and of course the
50:07 exercises which is mostly like looking
50:09 and challenging your brain to adapt are
50:13 going to be difficult and disagreeable
50:15 so sometimes um I will say that it’s
50:19 better uh investing in anxiety
50:22 management because at the end of the
50:25 today a lot of the disability coming
50:27 from this can be mitigated if someone
50:31 decreases their reaction to the
50:33 vestibular symptoms and like I told you
50:36 I’ve had those those symptoms I know
50:38 what they are so sometimes adding the
50:41 the layering like the icing on the cake
50:44 of anxiety
50:45 hyperventilation Panic then everything
50:48 is worse so sometimes just learning
50:51 simple breathing techniques a managing
50:54 avoidance managing triggers that’s very
50:57 difficult but it can be done so
51:00 sometimes I do refer more my patients
51:02 actually to Psycho therapy CBT uh
51:05 breathing exercises or different types
51:08 of therapists then to the vestibular
51:10 physio depending sometimes they do both
51:12 actually so that’s very important the
51:16 problem is that a lot of my patients
51:17 with VM well because nobody believed
51:20 them for so long and they don’t want to
51:22 be told they’re crazy they don’t take
51:25 very well the idea of seeing a therapist
51:28 so I tell them that the idea here is
51:30 that they’re not crazy but they will see
51:33 the therapist not to talk about their
51:35 parents or their childhoods or or so on
51:38 it’s really about key techniques to
51:41 manage the autonomic search the
51:43 autonomic reaction of having those very
51:46 disruptive
51:48 feelings all right in that line of
51:50 thought what is Triple PD so triple PD
51:55 is persistent postural perceptual
51:59 dizziness this is a relatively new thing
52:03 it does not exist like 10 years ago
52:05 nobody was talking about even five years
52:07 ago it was not that common now everybody
52:10 talks about it so this is what we call a
52:13 functional neurological disorder um I
52:17 will not go into detail about the
52:19 definition of fnd I do invite you to go
52:23 on neurosymptoms.org to read about about
52:25 it but roughly triple PD is when there
52:30 is an interplay between the vestibular
52:32 system but a lot of the anxiety system
52:36 and sometimes there is actually a
52:37 vestibular episode something happened
52:39 maybe you had labyrinthitis for example
52:42 very easy or maybe
52:44 bppv and then your your brain reacts by
52:48 producing a lot of
52:50 hypervigilance and a lot of avoidance
52:53 and by watching a lot and then producing
52:57 like a a constant feeling of of
53:00 instability that is never ending that is
53:03 always there that fluctuates and people
53:07 develop sometimes a bit of a like weird
53:09 way of standing with oscillations
53:11 walking and and everything is is is
53:15 constant and disabling but at the end of
53:18 the day the key issue is not vestibular
53:20 it’s more into different let’s say some
53:25 times anxiety traits but also sometimes
53:27 just the way your brain is caught in a
53:29 bad loop it’s caught in a loop where
53:32 those symptoms are just there and their
53:34 brain is keeping their keeping them
53:36 going and going without you wanting it
53:39 of course right so this is what a
53:41 functional neurological disorder is and
53:44 triple PD isn’t that family of systems
53:47 you can see here that there’s usually a
53:49 precipitant then different personality
53:52 traits or different uh pre-existing
53:54 anxiety traits and then sometimes there
53:57 is also a context so there’s sometimes a
53:59 context and then all of these loops and
54:01 turns and turns can be very disabling
54:04 and it has to be addressed attacks may
54:08 be very difficult to treat you know this
54:10 probably already if you live with this
54:13 um migraine attacks should be treated as
54:15 usual with nides STP Tans gens and so
54:19 on the problem I see in my clinic are
54:21 the violent vertigo attacks those are
54:25 tough and I’ll tell you there is no
54:29 let’s say there’s no magic recipes for
54:32 those I’m still shopping for it I’m
54:34 asking around you know when I go to
54:35 conferences and so on so sometimes I
54:38 give my patients injectable tryp tons
54:41 nasal sprays like zooming for example
54:44 gravel
54:45 suppositories because they are not you
54:47 know absorbed by um ingestion um can be
54:50 Life Savers there’s also all the other
54:53 suppositories but sometimes they’re
54:54 backward for example
54:57 metoclopramide procar parazine or stemy
55:00 so anything that is not taken by mouth
55:03 obviously can go faster and hopefully
55:06 help you Zofran if you haven’t had
55:09 Zofran for nausea and you live with
55:11 migraine this is an amazing thing very
55:13 well tolerated and often very effective
55:18 antihistamines so histamine plays a role
55:21 and and those of you who have travel
55:22 sickness you know that we use
55:24 anti-histamine prevented benad reactin
55:27 sometimes can make you a bit sleepy
55:29 which can be a relief and then yes I
55:32 told you about anxiety so breathing is
55:35 great but sometimes it’s not you know
55:36 working so sometimes I will use my I
55:39 will give my patients some benzo
55:41 diazines like Atavan or
55:43 Kazan um but there is a risk of
55:47 dependence addiction and this should be
55:50 discussed carefully with your healthc
55:53 care providers um there are different
55:56 you know neuromodulation devices that
55:58 might be of interest like gamore or
56:00 sephy and then the whole gamut of you
56:03 know migraine treatments that of any
56:05 relief you know headache hat and cold
56:07 and warm and and and smells or you know
56:10 mint rollers and so on but those attacks
56:13 are tough and even in my practice I
56:15 struggle to treat
56:17 them prevention okay so here you might
56:21 wonder why there are all those little
56:25 circles um they are buttons I call them
56:28 chemical buttons so when I present um
56:32 vestibular migraine to my patients I
56:35 explained to them that the vestibular
56:37 system is a bit like a it’s like a
56:39 control panel a very complicated control
56:42 panel because you see here this little
56:44 neuron so this is a a neuron of the
56:47 vestibular system and it’s very well
56:50 connected it has lots of friends um so
56:54 it is really connected to every
56:57 neurotransmitter you can dream of
56:59 there’s a reason why so many medications
57:02 can give dizziness as a side effect
57:05 right so it means that virtually
57:09 anything can modulate the vestibular
57:11 system which is a good and a bad thing
57:14 so there’s a lot of preventive so the
57:17 good news is the bad news is it’s trial
57:19 and error there’s no way that I can
57:21 predict or anybody can predict what will
57:24 work for you
57:25 the good news is I have seen successes
57:28 with one every one of those options and
57:31 good successes so I tell my patients it
57:34 is a long road of trial and error and
57:38 it’s even more complicated than with
57:40 migraine normal because you have to kind
57:42 of check the migraine but also the
57:47 vestibular symptoms and if you have a
57:50 vestibular disorder in addition to it
57:52 like for example Miner disease it’s even
57:54 more more complicated so but it can be
57:58 done and it can work so Verapamil for
58:01 example amitryptiline or trolene beta
58:04 blockers prolol at the pyramid
58:08 venine fenine is an old thing that has a
58:11 lot of side effects that come with it
58:13 but sometimes it’s used for migraine
58:15 with aura and also vestibular Migraine
58:17 with success lotr gen is usually not
58:20 used for migraine sometimes we use it
58:23 for vestibular symptoms
58:25 Botox can work cgrp antibodies can work
58:29 um and things like Gabapentin or prabin
58:32 so that would be um Gabapentin is
58:35 Neurontin and lria um so all of this can
58:40 work and no doctor can predict which one
58:43 is going to be good for you but it worth
58:45 trying and you have to carefully look at
58:47 your symptoms and see if they
58:50 work so additional resources um I have
58:55 two of them I think some of you might
58:57 know already The Dizzy cook.com there’s
58:59 a lot of recipes in there which I’m not
59:02 too sure are going to be the key to your
59:04 migraine management they’re I’m sure
59:05 they’re delicious but there are there is
59:08 actually a vestibular migraine guide
59:10 there with a lot of comments about
59:12 vestibular migraine because this uh
59:15 person has vestibular migraine and then
59:17 the vertigo doctor.com is an interesting
59:20 website where they have therapy so they
59:23 have I mentioned about vestibular physio
59:26 so vestibular Groove fit is a program to
59:30 manage better vestibular migraine I
59:32 cannot advertise for it because I I
59:34 don’t know exactly what’s in there but
59:37 I’ve heard some good comments about it
59:39 and it’s definitely worth investigating
59:41 so those are good resources for you guys
59:44 and um I think that uh if I can give you
59:48 a bit of a a note of Hope is that there
59:51 are things that can help you out there
59:53 and as with all my patients I recommend
59:55 a holistic approach uh incorporating
59:58 everything from exercise breathing
01:00:02 medications uh optimal management so my
01:00:06 my conclusion well I hope I shown you
01:00:08 that the vestibular system which is
01:00:10 bugging us obviously and I I I’m I’m
01:00:14 definitely suffering from my vular
01:00:16 system but it is fascinating definitions
01:00:19 are evolving vestibular migraine is
01:00:23 disabling I think we should think in
01:00:25 terms of networks and instead of names I
01:00:28 mean we need names and diagnosis but um
01:00:31 uh I think just keep in mind the
01:00:33 complexity of those systems and move
01:00:35 away from a kind of a All or Nothing
01:00:38 black and white it is this or it is that
01:00:40 usually it is a mix of many things
01:00:43 vestibular physio may not be the key it
01:00:45 might be worth it though anxiety
01:00:47 management extremely important uh if you
01:00:50 live with VM trial and error is still
01:00:52 the best approach there is growing
01:00:54 evidence for Botox and cgrp blade I
01:00:57 haven’t shown you studies but there are
01:00:59 studies and triple PD is probably a part
01:01:03 of the problem for at least some people
01:01:05 with vestibular migraine and it can be
01:01:07 addressed also by proper
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