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When To Treat a Migraine Attack

Treating a migraine is like a race against pain. Caused by neurogenic inflammation, a migraine is akin to a fire in the brain. Waiting to treat a migraine decreases your chances of breaking the attack. This insightful video from Migraine Canada teaches you how to identify the early symptoms of a migraine. Learn the importance of treating before the pain becomes moderate and before symptoms like nausea or photophobia appear. Remember, this video is a guide and does not replace the advice of your treating physician. Discover strategies to effectively manage migraine and improve your quality of life.

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0:00:22.020 treating a migraine is like a race

00:00:24.400 against pain migraine is caused by a

00:00:27.730 neurogenic inflammation

00:00:29.440 it’s a fire in the brain if you wait

00:00:31.930 before you treat you decrease your

00:00:33.670 chances of breaking the attack observe

00:00:37.059 the evolution of your attacks migraine

00:00:39.909 have different patterns learn to

00:00:41.980 identify the early symptoms of your

00:00:44.019 attacks the goal is the treat before the

00:00:46.449 pain is moderate and before symptoms

00:00:48.909 like nausea or photophobia have appeared

00:00:52.329 if you wait before you treat ask

00:00:55.239 yourself why here are some of the

00:00:59.019 reasons often mentioned by migraineurs I

00:01:02.159 did not have my medication with me once

00:01:06.610 you have found the right medication keep

00:01:08.409 it closed have a migraine kits at your

00:01:10.930 office in your purse or in your car

00:01:14.670 carry a bottle of water for hydration

00:01:17.289 and to take your medication without

00:01:19.119 delay I was not sure it was really a

00:01:22.420 migraine so I took two Tylenol a

00:01:25.439 migraine may start with a small headache

00:01:28.079 many migraineurs hope that this mild

00:01:30.789 headache will remain mild but they know

00:01:33.460 hat a migraine is coming don’t wait too

00:01:36.880 long and use your migraine medication

00:01:38.679 right away the tylenol step is often a

00:01:42.700 useless delay I have side effects with



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