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Wondering about the safety of Botox for managing chronic migraine? Despite its origins as a toxin, Botox is widely used in medicine, including for migraine treatment. This article explores the safety of Botox injections, addressing common concerns such as its mechanism of action, potential side effects, and medical considerations. Discover how Botox is cleared from the body, who should avoid it, and where to find qualified injectors. Whether you’re considering Botox as part of your migraine management or seeking reassurance on its safety, this guide provides essential insights.

Is Botox dangerous? 

The term “toxin” might sound scary, but Botox is a purified protein derived from a bacterium called Clostridium Botulinum. It works by blocking neurotransmission, which means it stops the nerves from communicating with their targets (e.g., muscles, sweat glands, skin receptors). Please this post to learn more about how Botox works.

Botox is produced through a process that purifies the toxin, making it safe for medical use. 

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If the toxin is injected into the wrong muscles, it could be harmful. Additionally, ingesting the toxin from contaminated food can cause botulism, a serious medical condition. However, when the purified toxin is injected correctly by a competent provider, it is very safe. Importantly, Botox does not enter the brain.

Does Botox accumulate in the body?

No, Botox is naturally cleared out by the body, which is why its side effects and benefits wear off after a while and Botox must be reinjected every 12 weeks.

Are there medical contraindications to Botox? 

Yes, there are a few contraindications. Botox should not be injected during pregnancy. Patients with neuromuscular disorders should discuss the use of Botox with their specialist. Allergies to Botox are extremely rare. Always consult your healthcare provider before choosing a treatment. 

Have there been deaths, side effects, or serious consequences of using Botox for migraine?

No deaths have been reported when Botox is used for migraine. Side effects are very rarely severe. The most serious reported side effect was hospitalization due to a severe migraine

Remember that Botox can be injected in different places with different side effects. For example, injections into the neck muscle for dystonia may result in difficulty swallowing. However, the migraine injection zones should not cause this side effect. 

What are the main side effects of Botox?

Injections are generally well tolerated, and side effects occur in less than 10% of people. Potential side effects include:

  • Pain at the injection site: This soreness is common and can be managed with ice or regular analgesics. 
  • Bruising at the injection site: Rare and usually benign. 
  • Cosmetic effects/changes in the face: Droopiness of the eyelids, “Spock” eyebrows, changes in forehead wrinkles, and decreased ability to frown. These effects are fully reversible and can be corrected or avoided by a skilled injector.
  • Weakness of the neck/shoulders or dropping head: Rare, but may occur in slim or elderly individuals. Avoiding injections in the neck is the way to prevent this.

In the long term, muscles located near the injection sites may become thinner (e.g., the temples), but this is rarely an issue. 

How can I find a competent injector? 

Visit mychronicmigraine.ca to find a list of qualified injectors that you can search by city or postal code. It’s important to note that Botox injectors are not necessarily neurologists or headache specialists. Some are plastic surgeons or radiologists who may be excellent at performing the injections but may not offer comprehensive migraine management. 

Is Botox a cure for chronic migraine?

Botox injections are part of the broader management strategy for chronic migraine. Some patients, known as “super responders,” may experience significant improvement with Botox alone. However, other patients may require additional treatments to improve function and quality of life (global management).


  • Frampton JE, Silberstein S. OnabotulinumtoxinA: A Review in the Prevention of Chronic Migraine. Drugs. 2018;78(5):589-600.
  • Ashkenazi A, Blumenfeld A. OnabotulinumtoxinA for the treatment of headache. Headache. 2013;53 Suppl 2:54-61.
  • Dodick DW, et al. OnabotulinumtoxinA for treatment of chronic migraine: Pooled results from the double-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled phases of the PREEMPT clinical program. Headache. 2010;50(6):921-36.

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