Does it work? Is it safe? Finding your way in the jungle of migraine “cures”
If you live with migraines, you probably want to get rid of them. The first step in such a situation is often to look online and use Google. You will then enter a complex world of promises, advertisement, scientific websites, and claims of miracles. You…
Fed up of pills? Here is a short summary on Single Pulse Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation to treat migraine.
These days, there is a pill for everything, and as many patients soon discover, there is often more than onepill for everything. While pharmacology remains a cornerstone of modern medicine, no therapeutic option is perfect. Many patients are often left feeling as if they’re making a…
Talking with Your Health Care Team to Get the Most Out of Your Appointments
Building a strong, positive team with your doctor’s office will help you get the care that you need to manage your migraines. Remember this is team work! Here are some tips to have a productive collaboration with your health care provider.NB We also wrote a…
The Migraine Painful Truth: What are we going to do about it in Canada?
The Migraine Painful Truth: What are we going to do about it in Canada?On World Brain Day, the Migraine Canada™ team reflects on what should be done. If you live and Canada and you suffer from migraine, you are probably aware that access to care…
Headache and neck pain: is it possible that nerve compression is to blame?
Headache and neck pain: is it possible that nerve compression is to blame?A team of researchers investigates the possibility of a surgical approach Patient story: my neck is killing me«For the last few years, my neck has been killing me. I had migraines since the…
Will Aimovig work for me?
Summary of the results from published randomized controlled trials See below the table for comments and how to read it. 50% RR 75% RR Episodic migraine STRIVE (70, 140 mg) 5/10 2/10 Episodic migraine ARISE (70 mg) 4/10 NA Refractory EPISODIC (fail 2-4 preventive)…
CoQ10 and L-carnitine for migraine: a new study suggests a benefit
In a new study realized by researchers in Iran, a combination of coenzyme Q10 and L-carnitine was found to be effective for episodic migraine prevention, with 10% of constipation and stomach ache side effects. Let’s look at some details! What are the natural supplements recommended…
Vitamins and supplements: can we trust that the content is what is advertised?
Complementary and integrative medicine for migraine prevention is an important area of interest for migraine doctors and migraine sufferers alike. There is evidence (Grade B, C) that certain minerals and supplements such as Magnesium, Riboflavin, and Coenzyme Q10 may be helpful in the prevention of…
Hormones and migraine: a trigger and a treatment?
Author: Alexander Melinyshin, MD, FRCPC, Headache Fellow Why do women suffer from migraine more often than men? According to a study published in The Lancet, approximately one billion people on the planet have Migraine (2012; 380, 2163 – 2196). Migraine affects women more than men at…
NEW RESEARCH: Forget the ketogenic diet… use ketone supplements instead!
(This article is not focusing on ketogenic diet but on research on ketone supplements) The interest for diets to treat migraine is a constant. Low histamine, rich in magnesium, gluten and lactose free…of course the variability of migraine forbids any «one size fits all» approach,…
Cannabinoid Chemistry Update
Author: Alexander Melinyshin, MD, FRCPC On October 17, 2018, recreational marijuana was legalised Canada-wide, however modern medical use of marijuana and its derivatives has been ongoing since 1999. With more and more Canadians wanting to try it for an ever-expanding array of applications, cannabis has…
Benefits of Medical Hypnosis for Migraine Therapy
Dr Séverine Debiais, Hospital Practitioner. Neurology, CHRU de Tours (Graduation essay on medical hypnosis, Paris VI-2017-2018 : « Hypnose et Neurologie : état des lieux en 2018, ou Petit manuel de survie à l’usage des neurologues souhaitant pratiquer l’hypnose ») What is Medical Hypnosis? Medical hypnosis strives, in…