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Shruti’s Story

“I interviewed Shruti a few months ago and she has written the following to share her story:” I don’t remember life without pain, or migraine. I was 12 or 13 when I was first diagnosed. It was after years of trying to articulate the pain….

Migraine Talks Podcast

Dear Friends, Migraine Canada™ is proud to present its latest media production, “Migraine Talks” with Dr. Elizabeth Leroux. Migraine Talks is a series of 12 episodes which you can listen to on, on Apple Podcast, on Google Podcast, and on Spotify! While exploring the basics…

An Introduction to Project: Your Voice

One of Migraine Canada’s goals is to provide support to those with migraine by sharing information and combating stigma. One of the ways to accomplish this goal is by amplifying the voices of the migraine community to provide insight into what living with migraine is truly like. “Your Voice”, led by…

Tips for Athletes with Migraine

Whether you’re a professional athlete or play sports casually, migraines can affect your ability to participate in athletics. Being aware of how to manage your symptoms and prevent migraine attacks are key to limiting the effect of migraines on your athletic commitments. Here are a…

Trigeminal neuralgia

What is trigeminal neuralgia? Trigeminal neuralgia is a type of facial pain. It is caused by a problem with the trigeminal nerve, which is a nerve that is responsible for sensation in the face. The pain is typically described as sharp, brief, electrical. The pain is…

Tension Type Headache

A tension type headache is very different from a migraine. Here are a few facts about tension type headache.  What does a tension type headache feel like?  The pain is mild to moderate, not severe, which does not prevent you from functioning Pain on both sides…