Shruti’s Story
“I interviewed Shruti a few months ago and she has written the following to share her story:” I don’t remember life without pain, or migraine. I was 12 or 13 when I was first diagnosed. It was after years of trying to articulate the pain….
Migraine Talks Podcast
Dear Friends, Migraine Canada™ is proud to present its latest media production, “Migraine Talks” with Dr. Elizabeth Leroux. Migraine Talks is a series of 12 episodes which you can listen to on, on Apple Podcast, on Google Podcast, and on Spotify! While exploring the basics…
Canadian Clusterbusters : time to unite
The worst pain of all Attacks of excruciating pain around the eye and temple, just on this one side. A hot poker pushed inside your face. Your eye tears, your nose runs. For an hour or two, you are in hell. The attack is brutal,…
An Introduction to Project: Your Voice
One of Migraine Canada’s goals is to provide support to those with migraine by sharing information and combating stigma. One of the ways to accomplish this goal is by amplifying the voices of the migraine community to provide insight into what living with migraine is truly like. “Your Voice”, led by…
Tips for Athletes with Migraine
Whether you’re a professional athlete or play sports casually, migraines can affect your ability to participate in athletics. Being aware of how to manage your symptoms and prevent migraine attacks are key to limiting the effect of migraines on your athletic commitments. Here are a…
Travelling tips when you live with migraine
Are you in the midst of planning a trip and concerned about how migraines will affect your travels? We’ve put together this list of commonly asked questions and answers to help you. Is travelling a bad idea if I get migraines? The answer to this…
A case demonstrating how a combination of Botox and erenumab can improve person’s quality of life: research from a Quebec team
Both Botox and CGRP antibodies can be effective for Chronic Migraine. Still, 50 to 50% of patients do not get this response for Botox or CGRP antibodies. What if a combination was used? A team from Quebec City reports on a 52 years-old woman suffering…
Can travelling to a higher altitude trigger migraine attacks?
For some people with migraine, the answer seems to be yes. In people who climbed a mountain in Colorado (4,300 metres high), people with a history of migraine were 2.5 times more likely to develop a headache than those who did not have migraine. They were…
Combining Botox and a CGRP antibody: should it be covered by insurance companies?
It has come to the attention of Migraine Canada™ that many insurance companies are now refusing to cover the combination of Botox and a CGRP monoclonal antibody (BTX + CGRP MAB). Currently available CGRP monoclonal antibodies are erenumab (Aimovig) and galcanezumab (Emgality). Fremanezumab (Ajovy) is…
Tips to keep your mental health for physicians…and everyone else!
Inspired from a document by the Psychiatrist Association of Quebec distributed to physicians. But hey, other people can benefit from good advice too! Living during COVID-19 is not easy. Depending on a person’s character, COVID related stressors, confinement settings, and other factors, different feelings can…
Trigeminal neuralgia
What is trigeminal neuralgia? Trigeminal neuralgia is a type of facial pain. It is caused by a problem with the trigeminal nerve, which is a nerve that is responsible for sensation in the face. The pain is typically described as sharp, brief, electrical. The pain is…
Tension Type Headache
A tension type headache is very different from a migraine. Here are a few facts about tension type headache. What does a tension type headache feel like? The pain is mild to moderate, not severe, which does not prevent you from functioning Pain on both sides…