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Life with Cluster Headaches – Karen’s Story

Karen has been living with cluster headaches and experiencing their debilitating effects for more than 18 years. Despite the employment and social barriers she has faced, Karen has not let her diagnosis control her life. In sharing her story, Karen hopes to connect with others…


Physicians receive little training on migraine in medical school. The Canadian Headache Society (CHS) has developed an accredited online-learning platform on advancing migraine management in primary care. The program has been certified by the College of Family physicians of Canada. All physicians in Canada are…

Feeling Like a Fraud: Steven’s Story

I had the pleasure of speaking with Steven Smith, a 58-year-old salesman from North Vancouver, British Columbia. He had heard of Migraine Canada™ from the radio and reached out to us to participate in this series. When the migraines first began, Steven believed they were…