How many people have headaches?
Headache is a common symptom that can be caused more than 200 different medical problems (see this link). Some causes are very visible (like brain tumors), but the most common causes like migraine and tension type headache are not visible on available imaging. Tension type…
What should your employer know about migraine?
Does your employer understand what migraine is? Here are a few informations that could be worth sharing. 1. Migraine is more than a headache Migraine is not only a headache. It is accompanied by other symptoms like Sensitivity to light, sounds, smells and movement. Nausea…
Migraine preventives : doses, side effects and contra-indications
Migraine Canada (MC) is a patient association and does not provide medical advice. Nevertheless, basics on medications are public knowledge and many people ask about this type of medical information. The medications provided in the table below are given as general reference. Any decision to take…
Pacing How
Living with migraine is like a roller coaster «I feel like I’m never on top of things. I’m either in the middle of an attack or catching up after one. I feel bad that my co-workers/spouse must cover for me when I am sick so…
I will attend the Migraine World Summit in 2020, here’s why!
Patient advocate Kelly Hayes-Crook shares how this online event helped her to manage migraines better Migraine snuck into my life almost 30 years ago, shortly after a couple of bungee jumping experiences and has never left. Although, the flavour and texture of it has changed,…
Key points about physiotherapy for migraine and headaches
What do we know about the role of physiotherapy for migraine and other headaches? What do the physios do? Does it work? How can we tell if it is worth recommending physio to a person? Here are some key points about physiotherapy for migraine and…
Weight: is it associated with migraine?
Being overweight or obese is associated with chronic migraine. Many studies have confirmed this. In consequence, physicians are taught to advise people with migraine to «lose weight». Is there anything more frustrating than being told that «you should lose weight?» Like it was an easy…
Weight loss : tips for the person with migraine…or, really, anyone
Your weight is a reflection of your genes, environment, and lifestyle choices. You can’t change your genes, but you can modify your environment and lifestyle. Being overweight or obese increases the risk of chronic headaches. (See this post) Environment: It is common in North America…
Patient Home Exercise Program
Topics: Seated Scalene Stretch Cervical Isometric Neck Extension Hitchhicker Stretch Shoulder Squeeze Standing Pivot Latissium Dorsi Stretch Supine Shoulder Squeeze Position 1 Supine Shoulder Squeeze Position 2 Supine Shoulder Squeeze Position 3 Hitchhicker Standing Patient Home Exercise Program Post#727
Magnets for migraine : transcranial magnetic stimulation
Modulating the electrical activity of the brain can be done with devices. We call those neuromodulation devices. One such therapy is single pulse transcranial magnetic stimulator (sTMS), now approved in the USA for the acute and preventive treatment of migraine in adults. How does sTMS…
Cefaly: transcutaneous stimulation for migraine
What is the Cefaly device? Cefaly is a device that sends electrical signals to stimulate the sensory nerves of the face. The stimulus passes through trigeminal nerve to the trigeminal nucleus in the brainstem. This area is involved in initiating migraines. It is thought that…
Migraine in School
What is the effect of migraine on school activities? Migraine is common in children and adolescents as well as university students. Before puberty, 10% of children, boys and girls equally, have migraine. Disabling and frequent migraine attacks can have an impact on the quality of…