Author: Migraine Canada™

Patient Home Exercise Program

Topics: Seated Scalene Stretch Cervical Isometric Neck Extension Hitchhicker Stretch Shoulder Squeeze Standing Pivot Latissium Dorsi Stretch Supine Shoulder Squeeze Position 1 Supine Shoulder Squeeze Position 2 Supine Shoulder Squeeze Position 3 Hitchhicker Standing Patient Home Exercise Program Post#727

Migraine in School

What is the effect of migraine on school activities? Migraine is common in children and adolescents as well as university students. Before puberty, 10% of children, boys and girls equally, have migraine.  Disabling and frequent migraine attacks can have an impact on the quality of…

Migraine Triggers

Understanding migraine triggers is a helpful tool for managing migraine. While triggers can be different for everyone and there is no single trigger that all migraine sufferers experience, there are some triggers that are common, especially when it comes to diet. How many people report…