Vestibular physiotherapy : what is it, and what to expect
What is vestibular physiotherapy? Vestibular rehabilitation is an exercise-based therapy targeting vestibular symptoms that do not go back to normal between episodes of vestibular migraine. For example, if vertigo or imbalance is still an issue after a crisis, exercises could improve steadiness and get rid…
Other headaches associated with migraine
People with migraine have particular brains that may be prone to develop other types of headaches. Here are a few examples. Post-traumatic headache A person with migraine who has a concussion has more risk of developing persistent headaches. Migraines may also deteriorate after a trauma….
Paroxysmal Hemicrania, Hemicrania Continua: the little cousins of cluster headache
My physician has told me that I might have Paroxysmal Hemicrania (PH) or Hemicrania Continua (HC). I never heard about those before. PH and HC are very rare. Even headache specialists do not see them very often. They are in the family of trigemino-autonomic cephalalgias,…
New Daily Persistent Headache
What is New Daily Persistent Headache? According to the International Classification of Headache Disorder (the reference book for headache diagnosis), a diagnosis of NDPH can be made if: A. Persistent headache fulfilling criteria B and C B. Distinct and clearly remembered onset, with pain becoming…
Intracranial hypertension or pseudotumor cerebri: basics
What is idiopathic intracranial hypertension? The pressure inside the head should be stable. Imagine a car tire: if the pressure’s too low, it gets flat (in the head that causes the intracranial hypotension syndromes), and if it’s to high it can damage the tire. Idiopathic…
Cluster headache : basics
What are the typical characteristics of a cluster headache attack? Location of pain: eye, temple, forehead. The pain may also go to the cheek, jaw, teeth and neck. Type of pain: very severe, excruciating. Sometimes described as a poker crushing the eye. The pain may…
Neck Pain and migraine….is this cervicogenic headache?
STORYBOX 1: Mandy, 27, has migraines since she’s 15. She has more migraines during her period. Her usual frequency is 10 days per month. She’s tall, lean, and has hyperextensible joints. She used to practice yoga and light weights, but now she’s working full time…
Vestibular migraine
STORYBOX : David has migraine attacks a few days per month, with light sensitivity and nausea. When he was a kid, he was car sick. Last year, he woke up one morning with severe vertigo and could not walk. He went to the ED and received…
Medication Overuse Headache
What is medication overuse headache? A headache that is caused, in part, by the regular use of some types of medications. This headache is present on 15 or more days per month for 3 months or longer, in a person who uses medications on 10-15+…
Should I worry about this headache?
Headache is an extremely common symptom that can be caused by migraine, but also tumors, infections and other illnesses. There are more than 200 causes of headache in the International Classification Of Headache Disorders! (our Bible for headache diagnosis). The vast majority of headaches are…
Is it necessary to have a CT scan or an MRI to diagnose migraine?
My physician did not prescribe any imaging test even if I have frequent migraines since years. Should I be concerned? Imaging is not always necessary to clarify a headache situation. If: You do not present any red flags (See this post) You have a normal…
Weather and migraine: is it really a trigger and why?
Weather is increasingly reported as a trigger for migraine. 50% of people with migraine mention weather as a trigger. But what is the weather about? Heat? Cold? Barometric pressure? Pollution surges? The world of migraine triggers is a jungle. The list is endless. Triggers vary…
CGRP monoclonal antibodies : summary and effectiveness
Dr Elizabeth Leroux, MD, FRCPC November 2022 Disclaimer: this information is based on published data but may not be applicable to your specific medical situation. This information does not replace a medical opinion provided in person after a full evaluation and examination. Discuss ALL medical…
Migraine with aura: an overview
STORYBOX: Shelly is now familiar with her aura. The normal one starts with a little flashing dot on the right side of her vision. The dot becomes bigger and transforms into squiggly lines. Gradually, this flashing becomes gray then dark. After 40 minutes, she gains…
Hemiplegic migraine : I am paralyzed with my migraine!
Here is a story: Joan was used to her visual auras. She had them since she was a child, seeing squiggly lines. Now at 27 years old, she was using triptans, had learned about her triggers, and was functioning well. But last week, her aura…
Refractory Chronic Migraine: support encouragement
People who seek the help of experienced headache specialists are usually not at the beginning of their migraine journey. People with refractory chronic migraine often have: Seen many specialists over many years Been told that «it’s impossible to have headaches every day» Modified their lifestyle,…
Chronic migraine: basic facts
How does the physician diagnose Chronic Migraine? If you have a history of occasional migraines and the attacks have become more frequent over months or years, so that you now have headache on more than 15 days a month, then a diagnosis of chronic migraine…
The Migraine Family: categories and groups
Let’s face it: there are many types of migraine. This is complicated even for physicians, especially family docs who do not receive a lot of training on migraine during their residency. It is important to understand those terms as specific characteristics might influence your investigations…
CGRP Monoclonal Antibodies: access, and coverage
Disclaimer: This information is provided as a general overview of a complex topic. It can be hard to know which medicines you would have to pay for yourself. There might also be changes in Patient Support Programs (PSP) and this information may become outdated. For…
CGRP monoclonal antibodies (MABs): risks and side effects
Disclaimer: this information is based on published data but may not be applicable to your specific medical situation. This information does not replace a medical opinion performed in person after a full evaluation and examination. Discuss ALL medical decisions with your health care provider. As…